week8;Discussion: Advocating for Others

Description Learning ResourcesRequired ReadingsGuideinc.org. (2021, January 16). Six keys to effective advocacy. https://guideinc.org/2017/01/16/six-keys-to-effect…American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare. (n.d.). Kemp, S. P., & Palinkas, L. A....

Literature Question

Description You will complete a literature review by surveying scholarly articles, books, and other peer-reviewed sources relevant to a research topic in criminal justice. Our goal is for you to produce a focused, organized review of research in their topic area. Some...

Film Analysis

Description Attached is a Film and FILM TRANSCRIPT. I cannot give access to the film itself because of the college credentials required. So I found the video on another website and attached the word-for-word transcript of the film here.The Only work cited to be used...

Wk 5 Team – Juvenile Delinquency: Part 4

Description Assignment ContentResource: Brochure Builder or any other brochure-building program of your choiceNow that your team has identified risk factors and explored the relationship between the factors of delinquency, the team needs to now focus on...

Short discussion question

Description Before doing the discussion Reference the video it when creating your post. https://youtu.be/OoBvzI-YZf4For the discussion, share your reflections on your IAT results. https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/takeatest.htmlAfter reviewing the Preliminary...

LIB495 Capstone

Description I need help with my final research paper.- Additional 2-3 pages, – make sure the paper flows, – get rid of repetitive statements, – add statistics, – add a few statements for the sources provided, – add objections to the...