
Assignment Content

  1. Resource: Brochure Builder or any other brochure-building program of your choice
    Now that your team has identified risk factors and explored the relationship between the factors of delinquency, the team needs to now focus on prevention.
    Discuss, as a team, possible prevention programs that would be a good fit for the selected risk factors before deciding on a programmatic approach.
    Create a brochure that describes the program to the local community and potential consumers.
    Include the following in your brochure:

    • A mission statement – What is the goal of your program?
      Hope Resource Center for At-RiskYouth7 11 W. Atlantic Street PA 19143(215) 761-1100
    • Mission Statement: It is our mission to provide at-risk youths the skill and resources needed to overcome the trauma that is associated with experiencing abuse and maltreatment in order that they may avoid becoming delinquent and experience healthy, happy, and productive lives

    • Overview

      Hope is a residential treatment center with highly educated and trained staff. Hope provides safe housing and treatment for children between the ages of 9 and 18 that have experience trauma due to being physical, or sexually abused and cannot return home until their parents complete court-mandated therapies and counseling. Hope also serves as a haven for runaway teens that have been abused. Services include risk assessment, group and individual counseling, educational training, parenting classes for expecting mothers, and transitional living programs for those who are about to age out of foster care. Hope serves as a connection agency for foster families and children who are unable to return to their biological families. Hope delivers its services in a safe, functional, and caring environment where well-trained staff members work to help each youth to overcome the mental, emotional, educational, and environmental risks that can lead to delinquent behaviors

    • A summary of the risk factors you are addressing and their potential link to juvenile delinquency (feel free to use information from your Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation, along with any relevant feedback from the facilitator)
    • Specific information about your program and why you think it reduces the risk of juvenile delinquency
    • A minimum of 3 peer-reviewed sources

    Submit your assignment.