need help with 2 java method

Description /** * Finds the longest common suffix among the strings in an array. For example, * if arr is [“gladly”, “badly”, “boodly”, “sadly”], the method returns the * string “dly”. If arr is...

Game Design C++ using openFrameWorks

Description The file attached below is working. Please download the file and continue working on these functions.I need to implement some of the functionality for the game:1. The player cannot be moved outside of the screen boundaries. 2. The player’s scale is an...

IT-232: Object Oriented Programming

Description Plagiarism.·You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF file) using the Assignment Template on Blackboard via the allocated folder. These files must not be in compressed format.·It is your responsibility to check and make sure that you...

Website Design Question

Description Purpose: Detail each step of the design process based on the provided scenario.Scenario: The leadership team at Fast Readers, Inc. reviewed your previously submitted position paper and agreed to provide you with the team members you requested. As a...

make code macro:bit tutorial for kid

Description please someone knows makecode and marco bits to do this assignment .Use the Hot and Cold tutorial as a template. Have 3 micros:bits hidden in the room prior to the class. They have malware codes on them (similar to the beacon code from the tutorial). you...

i want the answer

Description Phase 1 – Strengths, Weaknesses, and Opportunities for ImprovementCVM Current FeaturesIdentify Current Features of the CVM Program CVM FunctionalityIdentify Functionality of the CVM Program Identify the limitations of the program for “Document...