
The file attached below is working. Please download the file and continue working on these functions.

I need to implement some of the functionality for the game:

1. The player cannot be moved outside of the screen boundaries.

2. The players scale is an adjustable parameter.

3. If any part of the agent intersects the player, the agent is removed from the game and the player is
reduced one energy level.

4. All agents which reach an age which is greater than the lifespan are removed from the game (and their
corresponding object is deleted).

5. Agents are spawned with a lifespan (lifespan). The lifespan is an adjustable parameter with a minimum
value 0.

6. The agents spawn at random locations and orientations on the screen. The number of agents (nAgents)
that are spawned at the same time is also an adjustable parameter with a minimum value of one.