
directions : Write a 2 page summary of interview findings based on notes from all team members in the file exchange area. (Bullet Point #2)

Write 1 page on interview reflection. Select 2 resources for leadership development (Bullet Points #5 and #6)

#5 Reflections on Team Process. Include a thoughtful discussion and evaluation of the experience of working on this leadership committee. Discuss the best and most affirming aspects of the teamwork experience and what conditions supported these experiences. Discuss the unexpected surprises that occurred and what the committee learned from them.

#6. Resources. To learn more, include a resources section containing a selection of information and knowledge resources (books, article, Web pages, and organizations) that are the most important resources the committee recommends to leaders in the twenty-first century.

Interviews and students name;

Cecelia S. Banto

Interview Notes

Interviewee-Victor Zelee/ Dirctor and Administrator (Watchen Home Care INC.)

Interviewee-Kirkpatrick Weah/ Finance Officer

Interviewee 1: Victor Zelee/Administrator

Interview Questions and notes:

1. How would you describe your leadership style?

I am a visionary leadership. I believe every hard working employee deserve a little reward to inspire them transform the organization into a competitive one.

2. Why did you choose to invest in the healthcare industry?

My investment in the healthcare industry, precisely the human services is not about monetary value. The primary purpose is to assist individual and communities to function as effectively as possible in the major domains of living; my strong desire to help others lead me into the human services sector.

3. How do you demonstrate the value of the services you deliver to business, government, insurers, and patients?

At Watchen Homes we believe in collaborative teamwork that focuses on motivation and alignment of the team. Every team member moves in the same direction, and entrust one another to handle the details about how to get things done. This strategy has helped to place value made us deliver services on a timely manner.

4. How do you ensure your organization delivers the best care, for every patient, every time?

Patients safety is our top priority that’s why we implemented a plan to keep everyone (patients, family and staff) updated. We put checks in place to prevent mistakes have an effective communication line between staff and administration and patients’ families

5. How do you keep your employees engaged and energized?

What manager wouldn’t want to come to his office each day to a happy workforce? That is why we take small initiatives such as encouraging staff to speak out, fostering a safe space for communication, clarify goals and responsibilities and reward employees for a job well done; all of these can add up to make a huge difference,

6. What do you see as a challenge in your line of business?

The biggest challenge every organization faces is hiring the right talent. Have the right team players is of great importance to the organization’s success; I am not saying that our employees are not talented, but it cost lot of resources, time and energy to get them to where they are now.

7. How do you manage difficult subordinates?

I manage difficult employees by bringing them close to me. I make time for one-on-one meet and ask what is his/her dream, if there’s I can do to help them accomplish the dreams, and I don’t stop until the person becomes flexible and is willing to be a team player.

8. How do you balance your professional and person life?

That’s a very good question. Every aspect of my life is important that is why I separate my work life from my personal life; my personal time is for my family and I do not let anything to interfere with my family time.


I conducted my first interview on July 26, 2019. The first interviewee is one of my top managers who I selected for my project. Victor as my interviewee preferred to be called was in a high spirit because he was being interviewed by one of his own staff member. Victor is an energetic and leader; he laughs and jokes with employee every time he passes by; he’s also an ambitious, creative, and very open person. During the interview, I deduced that he’s a visionary leader. And every question he answered indicated that he cares for his employees and that he value them. His personal value and purpose were aligned with his position as the administrator of the company.

He received several calls that interrupted the interview but he did not deterred. He continued with the interview discussing his purpose and challenges he has had, and things that have motivated him to still keep how doors open to people needing quality care. Victor attributed the organization’s success to the employees for being a productive team growing together to meet the organization objectives and goals.

2ND Interviewee- Kirkpatrick/ Finance Officer

Interview questions and notes:

1. Describe your management style?

Management style is difficult to grab. However, a good manager drives his team through clear directions and is pretty much available to help when needed. I try to make my management style to be the best.

2. How do you define success?

My own definition of success is establishing a business that empowers the organization, employees, customers and community. Success is reaping greatly from what one has sown or enjoying the fruit of your labor. In business, one becomes successful when the teams meet organizational goals through teamwork.

3. How do you manage stress among your team members?

We all know that stress in the workplace slows production because employees become disengaged. Our organization takes great pride in stress reduction; we set clearer goals for employees to identify their tasks, encourage them to be mindful or meditate, move around and create a flexible work environment.

4. How do you handle conflict between team members?

Conflict is inevitable when you work with other people who have different viewpoints and opinion, and those differences can escalate to conflict. As a good manager, one has to be very wise in dealing with conflict in the workplace. Over the years that I have worked as a manager I have been successful in resolving conflict because I do not look for who is wright or wrong; I always put the organization’s interest first because it’s not about them. I always apply my problem solving skills by speaking with the parties involved, negotiate, open line of communication and active listening.

5. Tell me about a time you let an employee go.

The worst part of being a manager is letting an employee go. If a manager tells you he feels good when he fires someone, he is lying or is inhuman. When you fire someone it affects his family and love ones and every time I have to do that pains me; I let an employee go when he or she becomes incompetent or disruptive, and untrustworthy because it hurts the team morale when they stay than go.

6. Tell me about a time you led by example.

According to Merriam-Webster, “leadership is defined as the power or ability to be in charge or in command of other people”. With that being said, I always lead with passion and demonstrate as an effective leader. I don’t only take initiative but spread my idea a wild flower blossoms.

7. How do you motivate people?

Business thrives when the organization’s top performers are recognized, honored and rewarded for their highly engaged efforts. This is our top priority, we have implemented ways to motivate employees by giving the complimentary gift cards, holiday packages for they and their family members and many other things in the pipe line.

2nd interview

My second interview was conducted July 26, 2019 the same day as the 1st one. The interviewee preferred to be called by his middle name James. Our first interview was initially scheduled for July 24, but we couldn’t meet at as planned and it was rescheduled to July 26 at 1:00 pm. I was not sure that James will be open to the interview process because he didn’t appear willing at the start of the beginning; however, the process went smoothly. I was surprised James was up to the task, he has conducted and attending interviews for the most part of his career that he did not stuttered and was not nervous. James is a charismatic and passionate leader who is committed to seeing his organization succeeds, and has implemented employee development programs. At the end of the interview he admitted that he was lasidasical about but when I explained the purpose of the interview, he felt the urge to allow me interview him and he’s sorry for turning me down the first time. As for Victor, he obliged as soon as I contacted him and made my intention and the purpose of the interview known to him.

The two leaders I chose for the interview are committed to their tasks, passionate about the code values of the organization and their personal purpose that aligns organizational purpose with their career path. Both leaders explained they became effective leaders with they gained self-awareness and that is when their lives and career took the turn, they learned to understand themselves and the importance of their values; and how it impact their word and interaction with the team. Although Victor and Kirkpatrick occupied different positions at the same entity, my analytic observation is that they have almost the same goals and inspirations for the teams and organization, which is being visionary leaders, strategizing employees’ development programs and implementing the common good of all.

My goal is to become an inspirational and interactional leader that will make a difference in the lives of team members and peers. I want lead my team with purpose, be a role model and teach them to be self-aware; that is why I am working to achieve my goal as a professional career path that will add value to my personal purpose thus aligning my personality and skills. The interviews have helped me to adapt certain characteristics to guide my career path such as creativity, empowerment, effective communication skill, and adaptability. If these characteristics are rightly utilized, I will become a better leader to pave the way for better teamwork.

George Bjore


Interview Notes

Interview questions:

1. Why do you do what you do?

2. Does your team hold the same values?

3. What happens when your purpose contradicts with someone elses?

4. What do you do that makes a difference?

5. When are you at your best?

6. What practices have you found that helps your team understand the “why” of what we do?

7. What happens when the organizations mission doesn’t align with your vision?

8. Is it more important to be authentic, or to align with the organization’s purpose?

Interview 1 – Paul Mercier – VP of Production Animal Sales

Career Path

Started in field sales and through networking and national meetings moved into OTC medical distribution, then moved into a management position.

Enjoys adding value and tools to the team and supporting the sales area.

Enjoy growing the business and supporting field sales.

Enjoys interaction between people, noted extrovert personality (outside sales).

When Purposes Contradict on the Team

Communication and transparency is important.

Disengaged employees – Talk through expectations, transparency, lead by example, lead through change.

Have appropriate level conversations, don’t engage employees outside of what is appropriate to speak to them about.

When are you at your best?

Getting to go back to interacting with customers. Back to basics. Out in the field rather than buried in the office.

When Personal Purpose Contradicts With Company Purpose

Voice opinion and pick your battles.

Compartmentalize personal feelings on the issue.

Explain opinion and work toward influencing the outcome.

Leverage the core values of the company and explain your interpretation.

How can we do things better? Invest in the business more? Innovative solutions.

Interview 2 – Pamela Nielson – Senior HR Business Partner

Career Path

Finance Manager à Leadership Training à Business Administration (MBA Degree) à People Management à Work With Leaders à HRBP

Enjoys working with leadership to develop the business.

Support role.

Key words: Process integrity, consistency, solid people management

Areas of responsibility include all functional areas in the organization. Contributes to overall business strategy.

When Purposes Contradict on the Team

Understand the intent of the process. Process may change but intent should stay the same.

Reflect solidified position of the organization.

Dissonance can occur, work toward philosophical alignment.

What do you do that makes a difference?

Staff meetings with President of the division.

Meetings hope to add incremental value to the organization.

Team relies on recommendations from Pam and other department heads.

Gain buy-in, hear what customers and stakeholders have to say.

Work toward improvement for management staff.

When Personal Purpose Contradicts With Company Purpose

Align with the leadership team.

Find people who you align with. Power in numbers.

Promote a positive influence over the organization.

Find people with the most alignment and influence.


The overall interview process was smooth. I may work on creating a shorter list of more distinct question in the future. The list I had felt somewhat redundant and I skipped over several questions in order to focus on a few key areas. This is the approach I tend to use for interviewing, where more questions are answered through natural conversation than through direct bullet point questions. It is important to keep the line of conversation on course.

I enjoyed the experience and I believe it went well. I may give more background on the project in advance in future interviews. Both interviewees were very positive about the experience.

I found many similarities in my personal leadership style to the leaders I interviewed. Having a strong purpose is important to moving into higher level positions. Many upper level leadership positions are demanding and require significant time and effort, so having a strong vision and sense of accomplishment is important.

The largest negative that I have found through the process is that many concepts can blur into similarity through “shared vision”. This is good for organizational cohesion but can be a detriment to innovation if tasks are completed on a routine basis with a similar framework.

Valencia Howell

Interview Notes

Interviewee – Veronica D’Antignac/ Practice Administrator

Interviewee – Mary Platt/Revenue Fiance Manager

Interview Questions

1. How would you describe your leadership style?

2. Do you consider yourself as Purpose Driven Leader? If yes, Why?

3. Would you say you have established a culture of purpose where engaged employees see a reason to come to work every day? Walk me through the steps you’ve taken?

4. When you lead with a purpose what do you gain or lose?

5. Can you identify one long-term strategic business goal you develop and implement to meet the organization core values? What feedback have you gotten?

6. What are you most passionate about serving?

7. How would you describe the principles in which you stand for?

8. What has your life taught you about what is precious and valuable?

1st Interviewee – Veronica D’Antignac/Practice Administrator

Quick Notes

Leadership Style – Lead by example & Bureaucratic Leader

Purpose Driven Leader – Holds team at a higher standing, motivate & engage teams to work on different projects

Culture of Purpose – monthly meetings>team expected goals> suggestion & ideas

Lead with a Purpose – retention (gain talent from new hires) decrease retention/hiring positions due to restructured procedures has decrease numbers high turnovers, increase employee engagement and accountability.

Strategic Business Goals – Create culture of employee reward and recognitions

Passionate about serving – For organization – Being Patient Centered and doing what is right relative to the Core Values. Personal – helping staff members on the team to discover their true value.

Principles stand by – Boldness, challenge, independence, knowledge and compassion

Life values – better woman, mother and wife>achieve goals>failure is not always bad>putting yourself first before I can help anyone including my employees.

1st Interviewee Reflection

On July 24, 2019 I interviewed one of my middle managers who, I selected for my

project and before the interview she asked I identify her by only using her first name,

“Veronica.” During the beginning of the interview I sensed something was wrong by the look on

Veronica face as her cell phones beep and I asked her how she was doing. She replied, “A little

Frustrated, I had three nurses and two doctors call in this morning. Through her smile she insists

on completing the interview and asked before we started if she could have a moment to answer

her called. Once she completed the call, I immediate start the interview. I would describe

Veronica personal characteristics appeared to be one who is creative, ambitious and flexible. It

appears during the interview her personal values gave me the sense of her purpose which are

aligned with her position as a manager within the organization.

During the interview she appeared to be energized when describing her purpose as a

leader even though she was experiencing staffing challenges on her unit. As we discussed how

she motivates herself and her team, I detected some compassion because she always talks about

wanting to help her team grow and meeting the goals of the organization.

2ND Interviewee- Mary Platt/ Revenue Finance Manager

Quick Notes

Leadership Style – believes her style is Analytical, Democratic, has been told she reflects Authoritarian style

Purpose Driven Leader – invests in each team member success and if any staff attend school wants not one but all members to reach their goals.

Culture of Purpose – My team and I inspire each other by doing what is right ALL the time. Focus on the Purpose each day by conducting two team huddles which includes every employee working in the unit

Lead with a Purpose – Every day I wake up I considered myself as having a unique purpose of what I do each day, because my name is attach to my purpose. Knowing my purpose is the key to my everyday life

Strategic Business Goals – Ensure each registration team member including financial counselors were CPAR (Certified Patient Account Representative). Last year, I added within my budget. The benefit from this helps with timely filing, account receivables and billing errors.

Passionate about serving – As a Christian woman, I live by my faith in personal and professional life.

Principles stand by – Self-Awareness. Same person at work as I’m at home

Life values – Commitment>Compassion>Dedication>Responsibility>Dependability.

2nd Interviewee Reflection

My second interview, the interviewee who asked to go by first and last initials

(MP) rescheduled our first two due to a scheduling conflict. However, I was able to interview

MP by Skype. I was a little perplexed by the personal appearances and MP energy during the

interview. She gives the impression that she did not review the interview questions I sent upon

her request and once the interview started, she was stumbling over her words as if she was

nervous and/or did not understand the question. For the last six months working with MP

personally, I considered her as someone who is passion and an optimistic individual who has a

commitment to building up her team. At the conclusion of the interview she apologized for her

not being prepared and admitted she did not review the interview questions as requested.


Both leaders are committed to their personal and organization’s core values which are

aligned with their career. Veronica and MP shared during the interview it took some time to

learn and understand themselves, whereas their values are important to keeping them united with

their work. MP explained her values can be expressed in several different ways, one being by

a way of honoring her core value when she accepted the job offer as Revenue Finance Manager.

She describes herself as being called “analytical” when it comes to numbers and creating

Spreadsheets with Excel. Both interviewees shared they surrounded themselves with the right

people to maximize their team and build strengths.

For my own career progression, I am working toward my goals by choosing the job that

will help develop my career by continuing my education while working toward my

professional goal. I want to work towards a clear path by improving my perspective on a

position that brings value. My career job will align with my skills and personality which will

help me to go forward in life. The characteristics I will take and apply from the

interviewees characteristics that would make me a strong leader are good communicators,

dependability, creativity and delegation and empowerment. What I take from both interviews

is that being an effective leader is about employee engagement and having a supportive

environment. Despite the problems that may stand in my way, I’m looking forward to becoming

a better and effective leader by leading a team to success, regardless of the consequences that I

may face.