
Research Method in Health and Human Services

Module 4 Collecting Reliable Data in my Professional Setting

1. Name and describe one data collection instrument that is used in YOUR field. It does not have to be your current field.

* this discussion is about the observer’s reliability when using the instrument….NOT the instrument’s reliability…see below.

2. How do you, OR would you, assure interobserver reliability when using this instrument? Please describe thoroughly.

3. How do you, OR would you, assure intraobserver reliability when using this instrument? Please describe thoroughly.

4. Respond to at least one of your peers’ posts.

Note: In spite of the fact that you are selecting a data collection INSTRUMENT for this posting…..this concept is about the OBSERVER’S reliability when using this instrument.

For example, as the observer, a Weight Watcher meeting leader might use a data collection instrument such as a digital scale. With that in mind, to answer this forum, the observer would indicate how he/she practices interobserver reliability with all of the other WW meeting leaders at one location: they all use the same scale, they all allow shoes to come off and pockets to be emptied; they all weigh at the beginning of the meeting…..etc. In other words, the leaders calibrate how they “observe” the data they are collecting with the data collection instrument.

In contrast, if the observer is the only person that is overseeing the data collection at a meeting, he/she may describe intrarelibility as their standard routine of data collection (each and every time) – having everyone stand on the same place on the scale, having everyone empty their pockets, weighing everyone at the beginning of the meeting. So, to assure that the observer has intraobserver reliability, he/she standardizes their own methods and to make certain to follow the same methods with everyone that is observed.

This course is about recognizing and using evidence. So, in order to earn full points, you will need to support each of your postings with the appropriate evidence.

Educational Concept in Allied Health Education

Module 4 Universal Design

The readings in this module discuss incorporating the concept of “Universal Design” into all lessons and courses.

In at least 250 words, provide an example of an experience you have had with a course that illustrates either an effective or ineffective use of the universal design concept. Discuss how to incorporate the concept of universal design and inclusiveness into all lessons so that they meet the diverse needs of all students?

Educational Concept in Allied Health Education

Module 4 How to Actively Engage Diverse Learners

So far, you have learned about a variety of teaching strategies and materials, each of which have pros and cons. Think of an occasion where you needed to teach someone about a health-related topic. Based on what you learned this week, briefly discuss the topic, how you presented the information, and how you could have presented it in a more effective manner. Discuss the benefits and weaknesses of the two approaches.

Theories and foundation of Crisis Intervention



Review the different types of crises and all content in this lesson.

* Identify which type(s) of crises our FSI family is experiencing.

* Do some research on your own to find a resource to help our FSI family.

* Tell us what the resource is (share the link to their website or an informational flyer), explain who they serve, how to qualify, and what services they provide.

Post your response to the above in the Discussion Board (250 words minimum)

FSI Family story.

A family recently served through the Family Services Initiative (FSI) felt they had nowhere to turn. A grandmother and her two teenage grandchildren were being kicked out of the home they shared with their uncle, thus making them homeless. There was a real threat that they would be on the streets with nowhere to turn. At that point, a Child Protective Investigator became involved and contacted 2-1-1 Tampa Bay Cares, Inc. for help.

With support from FSI funds, the family was immediately placed in a motel close the children’s school – one that had been vetted through FSI and assigned to a PEHMS Navigator. The Navigator used funds through FSI and Central Florida Behavioral Health Network (CFBHN) to cover the rental fee for the 5 weeks they stayed in the motel, while also collaborating with a local real estate agent to secure permanent affordable housing close to the children’s school.

The family was registered to obtain “Relative Caregiver Funds” through the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) to activate benefits through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Until those benefits kicked in, the Navigator provided funds for the family to purchase food.

Once affordable permanent housing was located for the family, the Navigator covered the rental deposit for the apartment, and also connected the family with Hands Across the Bay to assist with the utility deposits. In addition, the Navigator was able to work with the real estate agent to ensure that the family was placed in an apartment next to a grandmother raising her own grandchildren, thus strengthening both families’ support systems. Finally, the family was connected to Kinship Care to provide long-term guidance and support.

A little over $2,700 of FSI funds were accessed to support this family through their transition from the brink of homelessness to a stable, affordable environment. Had they not been given this hand up, the children, given their age, would likely have been separated and placed in group foster homes. This would’ve resulted in an estimated $50,000 in costs to the community, not to mention the long-term trauma inflicted upon the family.

By accessing FSI approved vendors, there was also a realized cost-savings of more than $4,500…the amount it would’ve cost the family for temporary housing, food, transportation and more, as they traveled from agency to agency completing the necessary paperwork for services. And by connecting the family with existing, longer term support services, such as Kinship Care and Hands Across the Bay, an additional $5,000 was saved.

This was a family on the brink of crisis and splitting up. But they are together and they are stronger because of the Family Services Initiative. And there are many more like them…