
Check your lab records for completeness using the rubric below:

Excellent (4)

Limited (1-3)

Missing (0)

Brainstorm Factors

Complete list of factors which may impact acceleration is included.

List is limited.

List is missing.

Experimental Design Template

(two by lab end)

1. Clearly states research question, hypothesis andprediction

2. Identifies independent anddependent variables

3. Lists control variables along with actual values

A couple of the parameters are missing.

A significant number of parameters are missing or are included with too little detail to be useful.



(two by lab end)

1. Includes a sketch or digital photo of the experimental set-up or apparatus; essentialfeatures are included and labeled.

Some features and/or labels are missing.

Sketch or digital photo is missing.

Check your lab records for completeness using the rubric below:

Excellent (2)

Limited (1)

Missing (0)


(two by lab end)

1. Organizes all measurementsinto a table with labels andunits.

Some measurements, tables, or units are missing.

A significant amount or all data are missing.

Estimation of Uncertainties

1. Gives uncertainty estimatesfor each type of measurement.

2. Describes how uncertainties were determined.

Several uncertainty values or the description of how uncertainties were determined are missing.

A significant number of uncertainty values or description is missing.

Graph(s) with Error Bars

(two by lab end)

1.Graph(s) are included; axes are labelled along with units.

2.Error bars included on all graphs (indicate if too small to be seen).

Some graphs and/or labels with units are missing; some error bars are missing or are incorrect.

A significant number of graphs and/or error bars are missing.

Experimental Mathematical Model

(two by lab end)

1. Writes mathematical modelin terms of the IV and DV; includes a description about the relationship.

2. Describes possible physicalmeanings for the constants in the experimental model.

The model is written in terms of x and y, or a description of the relationship or possible physical meaning of the constants is missing.

A significant amount of the requested information is missing.

The purpose of this lab was to develop experimental mathematical models to describe the behavior (acceleration) of a system in a reallab setting. Answer the questions below in yourlab recordsto conclude today’s lab.

a.Summarize findings into a general conclusion. Your group developed two mathematical models from experimental data. Each describes the behavior of a system’s motion (acceleration) in terms of another variable (IV). Write a sentence or two as a general summary of what your group learned in terms of what factors impact, or do not impact, the acceleration of a system. For those factors that have impact, describe howeach affects the acceleration.

b.Cite the evidence that supports your claim.

The data collected during lab, as well as known scientific knowledge or theories, can be used as evidence to justify your claim. The questions below serve as a guide for evaluating all evidence that supports your claim.

i.How confident are you in the numbers obtained for each measurement? Be sure to comment on the ranges of uncertainty (variation) for these measurements.

ii.Explain in a few sentences howeachmathematical model was determined, what the model is, and how it led to your claim.

iii.How confident are you in the mathematical model provided by Excel? That is, comment on how well the trendline passes through the set of plotted data points. Cite the R2value as well and discuss what this value indicates to you.

iv.Cite the data and claims from at least two other groups. You may include a photo of their data and claims from their whiteboards. Discuss whether their data supports or challenges the findings of your group and how that impacts your level of confidence in your claims.

In the lecture part of your physics course you learned about Newton’s Second Law (F=ma). The questions in this section serve as a guide to compare and contrast both of your experimental models to Newton’s Second Law.

i. Describe how each of your experimental models supports Newton’s Second Law. Also, as part of this discussion, be sure to consider any numerical values in your experimental model and how Newton’s Second Law provides meaning to these numbers.

ii.Describe any differences between your experimental models and Newton’s Second Law. Identify what may account for these differences.

c.Consider other possible factors. Are there any other factors not tested that might impact your response to the research question regarding what affects the acceleration of a system? If so, what are they and how might they be investigated? What new research question could you ask? If not, explain why you believe you have investigated all possible factors.

d.Suggest improvements. If given the opportunity to repeat the investigation, what could be done to improve the collected evidence (data), or strengthen your interpretation of the evidence, which support your general conclusion? You may wish to discuss flaws in your experimental design, how you might employ better controls, address assumptions, and so on.

e.Consider a hypothetical scenario. A physics student claims that Newton’s second law() can be used to predict the net force necessary to obtain a desired acceleration. What relationship, correlational or causal, exists between net force and acceleration if mass is constant? Explain.

Check your lab records for completeness using the rubric below:

Excellent (20)

Limited (10-19)

Missing (0-9)

Responses to the Final Wrap Up Questions

Thoroughly addresses questions and provides evidence, if requested, for:

a.Summarize findings for a general conclusion (2)

b.Cite evidence that supports claim (2 each)

1. Evaluate data and observed patterns

i. Discuss confidence in measurements

ii. Discuss model & how led to claim

iii. Discuss confidence in model

iv. Discuss data from other groups

2. Connect claim to theory

i. Describe how each model supports Newton’s Second Law & provides meaning to included numbers

ii. Discuss differences and what may account for these

c.Consider other possible factors (2)

d.Suggest improvements (2)

e.Consider hypothetical exercise (2)

Some of the question responses are missing, are not complete, or are incorrect.

A significant number of question responses are missing or are incorrect.

A lab report is required for this investigation BUT is not to be written until after Lab 06. This ends the work necessary for Lab 05. Turn in your lab records but be sure to bring your own copy to class during Lab 06 as this data will be needed again.