
Read the paragraph and give me your opinion if you agree or disagree with it


  • Elaborate on how leaders breathe life into visions.

To Inspire a Shared Vision, you must enlist others in a common vision by appealing to shared aspirations. This means you must:

  1. Talk with your constituents and find out about their hopes, dreams, and aspirations for the future.
  2. Make sure your constituents know what makes their products or services unique and special.
  3. Show constituents how enlisting in a common vision serves their long-term interests.
  4. Be positive, upbeat, and energetic when talking about the future of your organization, and make liberal use of metaphors, symbols, examples, and stories.
  5. Acknowledge the emotions of others and validate them as important.
  6. Let your passion show in a manner genuinely expressive of who you are (Kouzes & Posner, 2017).

As a leader, you must include your followers and listen to what they have to say and what they want out of your vision. A leader must ensure that their followers know they matter, and they are just as important to the vision as the leader is. A leader must remind their followers of the end goal and how it will benefit everyone the more they work together. A leader will benefit from staying positive about the vision and from relating that vision to other similar examples. A leader must let their followers know that communication is key; that they want their followers to talk to them whenever they have questions, comments, concerns, complaints, etc. and truly listen to and acknowledge them. A leader must finally be wholeheartedly committed to their vision and the rest will follow naturally (Kouzes & Posner, 2017).

  • Describe three ways a leader can accomplish animation of visions specific to criminal justice.

Speak genuinely – This is important because you will be doing a lot of talking as a leader. If you don’t believe in anything you’re saying, your followers will see that and know you aren’t genuine or being truthful. You don’t really care about your community and making it a nicer, safer place.

Practice positive communication – Optimism is the key to success. Without optimism, the entire vision will crumble. It is vital in any vision to stay positive, be realistic, but stay positive. The more positivity you have throughout your vision, the more willing your followers will be to put in the work to clean up and help your community and keep it safer.

Express your emotions – Adding your emotion into the things you say will grab your follower’s attention and make them remember the things you’ve said. When you touch your follower’s hearts, they are more likely to commit and stay committed to your vision, such as the community pitching in to help clean up and make things safer (Kouzes & Posner, 2017).

  • Explain the difference between a leader being forward-looking and meeting deadlines.

When a leader meets deadlines, they are finishing small tasks over a few months at a time, at most, very short-term goals. When a leader is forward-looking, they are looking years into the future, they are making goals no one will believe, they are looking further than short-term, they are looking at their organization, the vision, and those that will be supporting each of those things in the years to come (Kouzes & Posner, 2017).

  • Propose three ways a leader can prospect the future specific to criminal justice.

A leader can always ask themselves, “What’s next?” after each completed task (Kouzes & Posner, 2017). They should always be looking forward to each step that’s in front of them and ensure there will always be a next step. In criminal justice, a leader can always be looking for new ways to interact with the community. They can also look for new ways to improve the community, whether it be crime wise or cleanup crews, etc. Finally, leaders can listen to the community members and see what their causes for concern are. Bringing the community members together and making them feel validated is critical to having a safe, happy community.