The chapter assignment aligns with the learning objectives on the discretion of prosecutors to direct file juvenile cases to adult the criminal. This was prior to Proposition 57.
- Review the Case Scenario from the link below:
- Summarize the facts of the case.
- Conduct additional research on the case
- Respond to the following questions:
Q: Why did the prosecutor file this case in adult criminal court?
Q: Now that Prop 57 was enacted into law, do you think the judge would have approved for the case to be transferred to the adult court system? Explain your rationale.
REMEMBER that your initial response should have a minimum of 350-500 words. Expressing an opinion is not enough. You will be evaluated on the consistency and quality of your posts to the weekly discussion board. I will primarily be looking for how well you support your comments. I expect you to work to make meaning of the material of the course. I look for depth of engagement, as well as the level of critical thinking and inquiry. Success hinges on keeping up with readings, and referring to them as much as possible when you do respond.
Read the post and then respond accordingly by Thursdays @11:59 p.m. Once you have posted your initial answer, you must post a minimum of one follow-up post by Sunday @11:59 p.m. Your follow-up post may be either a further response to the initial post or a response to one of your classmates’ initial post.
As a reminder, you are not sending out a text message or tweet, so when writing your post, use proper English, grammar, and writing mechanics.
Use the “Reply” icon to start your discussion. Once you type and spell-check your thread, use the “Post Reply” icon to submit your thoughts. Use can also review the Canvas video Links to an external site.on posting discussions.
Participants must create a thread in order to view other threads in this forum.
Additional resources for this assignment
Discussion tool
How do I reply to a discussion as a student? Links to an external site.
Canvas Student Guides, Discussion Topic List Links to an external site.
This assignment is graded with a rubric. Use these resources for rubric viewing and viewing your grade.
How do I view the rubric for my graded discussion?Links to an external site.
How do I view the rubric for my assignment?Links to an external site.
How do I view rubric results for my assignment?Links to an external site.
Grading Rubric
The “Rubric” for the discussion board can be viewed by clicking the three-dot menu at the top of the page.