
What is your take/stance on passing an English course without having enough language and grammar skills?
Include at-least three references.


The introduction is well-structured. a hook statement and a good thesis statement are included.


The introduction is structured well with the thesis statement with minor missing details.


The introduction is included with a thesis statement along with major errors.


The introduction is not found.


Supporting Paragraph1

The author makes a compelling argument about how the essay works argumentatively. Content is clearly stated. All supporting topic/point is clearly stated and discussed as stated in the thesis statement. The word count/presentation length is adequate. Analytic claims are supported with evidence from the text (and possibly, context). Each piece of evidence is examined closely, as the author moves through a critical analysis that offers a specific reading of the text.


The author makes an argument about how the essay works argumentatively. Content is clearly stated. However, all topics are not discussed. The author provides textual (and perhaps, contextual) evidence that support the claim. However, argument is not convincing because either the author has not provided enough evidence to support his/her points/claims or the author has failed to demonstrate the connection between evidences and claims.


The author’s argument is either not argumentative in nature or is not debatable. The author may provide some textual evidence. However, parts of the “argument” are not convincing.


The author makes no claims about how the essay works argumentatively. The content of the supporting paragraph is unclear. The topic sentences are not clearly stated. Word count/ presentation length not met.


Supporting Paragraph 2

The author makes a compelling argument about how the essay works argumentatively. Content is clearly stated. All supporting topic/point is clearly stated and discussed as stated in the thesis statement. The word count/presentation length is adequate. Analytic claims are supported with evidence from the text (and possibly, context). Each piece of evidence is examined closely, as the author moves through a critical analysis that offers a specific reading of the text.


The author makes an argument about how the essay works argumentatively. Content is clearly stated. However, all topics are not discussed. The author provides textual (and perhaps, contextual) evidence that support the claim. However, argument is not convincing because either the author has not provided enough evidence to support his/her points/claims or the author has failed to demonstrate the connections between evidences and claims.


The author’s argument is either not argumentative in nature or is not debatable. The author may provide some textual evidence. However, parts of the “argument” are not convincing.


The author makes no claims about how the essay works argumentatively. The content of the supporting paragraph is unclear. The topic sentences are not clearly stated. Word count/ presentation length not met.


Supporting Paragraph 3

The author makes a compelling argument about how the essay works argumentatively. Content is clearly stated. All supporting topic/point is clearly stated and discussed as stated in the thesis statement. The word count/presentation length is adequate. Analytic claims are supported with evidence from the text (and possibly, context). Each piece of evidence is examined closely, as the author moves through a critical analysis that offers a specific reading of the text.


The author makes an argument about how the essay works argumentatively. Content is clearly stated. However, all topics are not discussed. The author provides textual (and perhaps, contextual) evidence that support the claim. However, argument is not convincing because either the author has not provided enough evidence to support his/her points/claims or the author has failed to demonstrate the connections between evidences and claims.


The author’s argument is either not argumentative in nature or is not debatable. The author may provide some textual evidence. However, parts of the “argument” are not convincing.


The author makes no claims about how the essay works argumentatively. The content of the supporting paragraph is unclear. The topic sentences are not clearly stated. Word count/ presentation length not met.



Conclusion is well structured. Recommendation is given by the author.


Conclusion is present, but part of the information is missing.


Conclusion is structured with lack of precision and recommendation.


Conclusion is not included.


APA format/style

The author follows an APA format, Title page, headings, and reference page are included per APA format. Essay references 3 well-chosen sources, which are scholarly/peer-reviewed journal article. In-text citations and reference list are complete and correct according to APA guidelines


The author follows an APA format and includes title page, headings, and reference page, but there are minor mistakes. Essay references fewer than 3 relevant sources, one of which is a scholarly/peer-reviewed journal article. In-text citations and reference list follow APA guidelines, with few major errors.


The author encounters major mistakes in following an APA format. More than one items (title, headings, and reference page are missing. Essay references fewer than 2 sources and/or does not include a scholarly/peer-reviewed journal article. In-text citations and reference list contain numerous errors in APA style. One missing/incorrect in-text citation and/or reference.


Essay references are not included and if they are included and none of them are scholarly/peer-reviewed journal article. Missing in-text citations and/or reference list.


Grammar and Writing mechanics

The writing is appropriately academic in tone/style and is virtually free of grammatical and mechanical errors.


The writing is academic in style and contains only a few grammatical and mechanical errors.


The writing style may not be appropriate to academic contexts; it contains numerous, repeated errors.


The writing style is inappropriate and full of distracting errors
