Type of service:
Double spacing
Paper format:
Number of pages:
4 pages
Number of sources:
4 sources
Paper detalis:
Research Paper: New Supervisory Skills
Your research paper is based on the following scenario:
You have just taken over as a Shift Supervisor at Bad Teddy Bear
Manufacturing and have a team of 30 under you. Your educational and
training level is exactly what you have today.
Your teams rotate shifts every 3 weeks and there are two shifts,
morning, 0700-3:30 PM and evening, 3PM to 11:30PM. You have the
flexibility to move people around shifts, and you stay on the same
shift, with overlap (i.e. your hours are 9-6). Two co-leads take over
when you are not there and stay on shifts with their workers.
The previous supervisor was let go for cause, failure to meet quotas and
leadership inability. The department’s morale is very low and there is a
great deal of pressure for your shift to perform.
On top of this, there is a problem with two of your employees, one is
always late and the other calls in sick frequently (you can decide what
factors lead to their absenteeism). The previous supervisor never did
anything about this and everyone knew it was an issue. One of your
co-leads has brought it to your attention and wants to know when you are
going to fix it.
You also have an employee that has been there for 14 years and has never
been promoted to co-lead or supervisor. He came to you and wants to
know why? He is an older worker and knows what he is doing, however, one
of your co-leads told you that some of the younger workers grumble that
he is too slow and can’t learn new technology. He also stated that
unless he gets the opportunity to move up, he’ll quit and make sure that
management knows you never gave him a chance.
Finally, there is a brand new worker, a single mother, who is super
sharp and a very hard worker. She told you on your first day there how
much she loves working at the company and wants to progress upward.
However, childcare is an issue and sometimes she needs to leave early.
On top of that, her car has left her stranded on several occasions.
You are to develop a solution to present to each of your co-leads on how
to start fixing some of these issues. Make the paper informative, with
some of the techniques and terms that we have addressed thus far in the
course that deal with new supervisors. This about the terms leaders
vs. managers, counseling, feedback, types of leaders, SMART objectives,
SWOT, generational differences, Theory X and Y, MBWA, and favoritism.
These terms are not all-inclusive and you are welcome to add others to
support your solutions.
This can be a narrative paper, informative paper, a letter (albeit a
long one) or a talking paper. You can use the first person to discuss
what you think needs to be done. You can also assign tasks or take tasks
away from co-leaders.
Your supervisor, co-leads, and workers can have fictional names, you can
add in additional issues or factors and most of all, have fun and be
creative in developing this workplace. Your co-leads can be good or bad
at their job, you can decide how little or much you want to delegate to
them as well as how much reporting back to you is needed.
Think about these challenges you will face as a new supervisor. You may
want to break this into fixing immediate problems, a six-month goal, and
one-year goal.
You should use proper APA sixth edition formatting.
You should have a title page, 3-5 pages of body content and the last
page should references. Make sure that your paper has references.
Use at least 3 references on your paper. They should be articles that
support your paper or lessons we have covered. Do not use Wikipedia!
The paper should contain no more than 20% direct citations or quotations.
Have fun writing this and make sure to use good terms and sources.