Why we need to re-write the workplace rules
Market research pioneer and gender equality activist Shelley Zalis believes it’s time to re-write the rules of the workplace, which were written 100 years ago by men and for men. Rather than conform to the corporate rules, we need to transform them. Watch this video, then respond to any five (5) of the following questions/ statements as they related to this week’s textbook chapter content:
Is the concept of the a stalled revolution as discussed in the textbook research relevant to this discussion- explain why or why not in detail? Are amplification efforts related to women in the workplace, as discussed in the textbook research applicable or not applicable to Shelley’s assertions- explain? Consider the textbook research focused on the causes and effects of horizontal occupational gender segregation– how do Shelley’s experiences support or challenge this research? When reviewing the textbook research examining “having it all” , what aspects of these asserts are applicable to Shelley’s experiences? What kind of intergroup perspective related to women in the workplace discussed in the textbook research could be applied to the examples presented by Shelley? When reviewing the textbook research data on the increasing numbers of women entering the workplace, what kinds of facts or myths about women’s current presence in work environments are applicable? How is the concept of the old boys’ network as discussed in the textbook research relevant to her talk? Consider the textbook research focused on high achieving women– how do Shelley’s assertions support or challenge this research? How would Shelley respond to the textbook research assertions regarding the benefits of the balancing act when thinking about her own company’s culture? When reviewing the textbook research examining “men and women’s leadership styles” , what aspects of these asserts are applicable to Shelley’s experiences? Is the concept of family responsibilities as outlined in the textbook research relevant to this Ted Talk- explain why or why not?
Chapter 10