
Presentation Requirements

  • Your presentation should be 10 minutes in duration (not longer).
  • Use PowerPoint slides (no more than 15 slides)
  • Do not use wordy slides and no more than TEN bullets in each slide
  • Do not use fancy fonts.
  • Dress nicely; make sure your background and lighting are appropriate. Your face should have enough lighting, do not seat with your back to a light source!
  • Look at the camera, do not look sideways
  • Use zoom recording or similar, and make sure your video does not cover any part of the presentation.
  • Your presentation slides should include the following:
    • Prospectus Objective
    • A presentation of your research Canvas
    • Overview of the research Area
    • The significance of your chosen topic
    • Methodology
    • Results
    • Conclusions
    • Future Studies
  • While presenting DO NOT READ THE CONTENT OF SLIDES, assume your audience (professor) is capable of reading

Can you please prepare the slides for the prospectus that you are working on, and please prepare a detailed spokesperson text transcript of what i should explain for each slide and what to say step by step, Thank you! It does not require any references rather a transcript showing my knowledge of the prospectus according to the above requirements. Thank you