

God has given Christians a purpose that requires planning. For example, God instructed Noah to build the ark. Noah had to figure out measurements to help prepare the ark. Additionally, the ark had to sustain flood and rain for 40 days. Not once did Noah doubt the instructions given to him. In Genesis 7, The Lord then said to Noah, “Go into the ark, you and your whole family, because I have found you righteous in this generation.” Christian health administrators can help aid the planning of healthcare finance. There are many non-covered services that policyholders are needing. Yet, these policyholders are still paying high deductibles and increase premiums. “Christian administrators can help by strategic planning and redesigning coverages on certain policies. For example, some individuals pay high premiums for services they haven’t used in years. Unfortunately, unused premiums are going down the drain. Shi & Singh (2019), “Unlike monetary wages, health insurance benefits are not subject to income tax. Consequently, a dollar of health insurance received from the employer is worth more than the same amount received in taxable wages” (p 202).

Our plans fail when it conflicts with Gods’ plans. Especially those who are planning evil. Proverbs 21:11 says, “Though they plot evil against you and devise wicked schemes, they cannot succeed.” Christian health administrators can help assist with fighting off wicked planning when they see a potential issue with future health care. For example, if there has been a change in the premium amount, administrators can give the policyholders a notification before the effective date. This allows the policyholder to prepare for unforeseen expenditures. If there is an increase in premium, the Christian administrator can use their knowledge to help the policyholder save money. This can be done by ensuring the policy matches the needs of the member.

Shi, L. & Singh, D. (2019). Delivering Health Care in America: A Systems Approach (7th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

ISBN: 9781284047127

The Holy Bible


Christ Jesus is the only person that assisted with discussion forum one of week three. God guided the pathway while completing this post. “Plan which specifies, among other details, information pertaining to costs, covered services and how to obtain health care when needed” (Shi & Singh, 2015). There were several plans that were discussed in the reading assignment and hall lecture. It is a primary characteristic of the medical care delivery system. “Complexity of financing is one of the primary characteristics in the United States” (Shi & Singh, 2015). Health care services of financing are uninsured, voluntary, system and National health care programs.

Financing is the lifeblood of any health care delivery system. Financing determines several things; who are going to pay or whom pay for health care services. The second thing is that it determines is what services will health care produce. “A significant amount of financing is attributed to the government; mainly to provide insurance or direct services to defined people” (Shi & Sing, 2015).

Christians are expected to live wisely. They should make the most of every opportunity and live to fulfill the will of God. Christians must be well-organized, have skills, time for God and money. The Christians are expected to live their lives with wisdom. Christians will utilize every opportunity which is presented to them. This will assist in fulfilling the direction and wishes of God. The way(s) Biblical concept of planning can assist Christian health administrators handle the complexities of health care finance is by allowing the employer and employee to help each other in paying for their insurance. The Christians will have the government to have certain financed programs that the citizens must qualify for in order to get the assistance.

Shi, L. & Singh, D. (2015). Delivering Health Care in America; A Systems Approach. 6th ed. p. 195-241. Burlington, MA. Jones & Bartlett Learning.