
Due 08/01/2019 by 6PM EST

Respond to the blog post of three colleagues in one or more of the following ways:

  • Expand on your colleague’s posting.
  • Share an insight from having read your colleague’s post.

Response to Marissa

An explanation of organizational policy in your field education experience

My agency is Kennedy Addiction Recovery Center. We serve individuals struggling with substance use disorder as well as additional concerns such as violence, criminal history, and mental health diagnoses. KARC has a few organizational agencies that dictate the individuals that are served. For example, in order to live in the sober housing, provided by KARC, clients must be attending treatment. The treatment does not need to be through our agency, however, clients need to fill out meeting logs to prove they are being completed. Another organizational policy is that clients must attend 90 meetings in 90 days to be eligible to move to outpatient care. Clients must have a steady job and pay $150 dollars a week for rent. Clients are provided service if they have insurance or are given scholarship pay for treatment. If the clients are court ordered, KARC is in contact with their probation officer as well as their family, when they receive an infraction of any type. KARC requires clients to complete tasks each day in order to remain living in the housing (KARC, 2019).


KARC. (2019). Retrieved from

Response to Stephanie

An explanation of organizational policy in your field education experience:

Organizational Polices are ways to dictate how individuals receive services (Laurette Education, 2013). Although social workers want to ensure that clients receive the services needed, Clients still have to follow the policies that are permitted. These policies would include, attending group sessions consecutively to receive medications, if a client will miss a session, they must notify the case manager and have it approved by them, and if a client threatens an individual at all their services will be terminated. These policies are enacted frequently at my field site.

As social workers we use physical cues to establish our role, and put boundaries in place for clients (Kimball, & Kim, 2013). These cues, also, help ensure that our organizational policies are upheld. Being able to show professionalism and uphold the policies is important for clients to take the social worker and the Agency seriously. I have observed the case managers at the Agency, and the case manager that sets the rules and upholds them, has defined boundaries with their clients. This allows clients to succeed, and not allow the Agency to be taken advantage of. However, I have observed the case manager who does not use physical cues and does not establish boundaries, and the clients do not take her seriously. They come and go as they please, and do not participate much. It has left her case load a disaster, and her in trouble with the director. Thus, organizational policy is important to follow through with by setting those boundaries using the physical cues.


Laureate Education. (Producer). (2013j). Organizational Policy [Audio file]. Retrieved from

Kimball, E., & Kim, J. (2013). Virtual boundaries: Ethical considerations for use of social media in social work. Social Work, 58(2), 185–188.

Response to Charmaine,

Ethical behavioral is important in the field of social work and social workers are faced with ethical considerations daily. The National Association of Social Workers covers Ethics through six domains: 1. Service, 2. Social justice, 3. Dignity and worth of the person, 4. Importance of human relationships, 5. Integrity, and 6. Competence. My field experience agency has several policies on ethics in place. Some of these policies, to name a few, includes a policy on coordination and donations, confidentiality of case records, and client privacy and confidentiality in the workplace environment.

Confidentiality may seem like a no brainer; however, confidentiality may be one of the most challenging ethical behavior for one to uphold. “Social workers should protect the confidentiality of all information obtained in the course of professional service, except for compelling professional reason” [NASW, 2017, 1.07(c)]. Although this is true, confidentiality in some work environments can be tricky. For example, 80 % of the agency in which I am completing field is equipped with cubicles. This means there are no walls or doors separating the employees and actual offices and rooms are not always available to meet with clients. Thus, clients have been observed sitting by the worker’s workspace sharing their information while others are around working or walking by.

The agency’s policy & procedure states that employees should reframe from using speakerphones and speaking with clients, service providers, and other employees in an area that does not provide a confidential setting (CN 002.026). The agency strives daily to ensure all of its employees and interns adhere to this and all other policies.


ChildNet-About ChildNet. (n.d.). Retrieved July 29, 2019, from

National Association of Social Workers. (2017). Code of ethics of the National Association of Social Workers. Washington, DC: NASW Press.