Topic is Gun Control in America but should not take a side. This is more of critical thinking of all aspects regarding gun control, good and bad but revolving mainly towards good without taking a side.
HUM101 requires a Final Portfolio Project. This project will focus on an issue (social, professional, or personal) that you wish to investigate critically.
Please read the full Portfolio Project description in the Module 8 folder page to preview your Portfolio Project assignment. Also, review the Portfolio Project grading rubric, which you can also access in the Module 8 folder.
For this Portfolio Milestone, you will submit your revised topic and a draft outline of your Final Portfolio.
Include the following in your milestone submission:
- A 2-page outline of your project which includes:
- Refer to the CSU Global Writing Center’s tips on how to form up an outline.
- Use the CSU Global Writing Center’s outline template for a good start.
- Main points and sub-points
- One paragraph describing your revised topic selection and a research question OR a thesis statement that you will use critical thinking skills to investigate.
- One paragraph describing how you will use the intellectual standards to critically investigate the topic.
If you need assistance with your writing style or you need writing tips or tutorials, visit the CSU Global Writing Center. Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.
Note: Portfolio Milestones are due during the weeks they are assigned; however, Milestones may be submitted up to 7 days after the due date with no penalty and up to 14 days after the due date with a 10% penalty.
Steiner-Williams, J. (2014, August 18). Developing a thesis statement [Video]. LinkedIn Learning.
This outline is in reference to the final project detailed below
Your final portfolio submission should include the following sections:
- Title page
- Introduction
- Engagement with issue or problem using scholarly sources and the intellectual standards proposed by Paul and Elder (2012): What is the issue? Why is it significant? Why is this issue relevant to you (and/or your community)? What have you learned about the depth and breadth of the issue or problem from scholarly sources?
- Engagement with your own assumptions or thinking about the issue. What assumptions do you bring to this subject? What concepts are “at work” in your mind as you investigate this issue? Why is this subject of interest to you and how might this skew your investigations? These questions constitute some of the issues covered by Paul and Elder (2012) in their “elements of reason.”
- Engagement with scholarly sources: How do the scholarly sources aid you as you think about the issue fair-mindedly and with depth? What have you learned from the scholarly sources that have helped you analyze the issue?
- Conclusion: Reflect on your issue or problem and how the sources informed your thinking. What have you learned? How can you apply the intellectual standards and elements of reason to this issue or problem to come to creative solutions? What critical questions remain?
- References Page
- You may write in the first person for your Final Portfolio Project.
- Your paper should engage a minimum of six scholarly sources that are not required or recommended readings for this course. The CSU Global Library (Links to an external site.) is a good place to find these sources.
- Your paper should be 5-6 pages in length (not including the title page and reference page). Format your paper according to the CSU Global Writing Center
- Refer to the Revision Checklist (Links to an external site.) for an overview of items to consider as you add final polish to your draft.
Consult the Sample APA Paper (Links to an external site.) for a more complete list of requirements. You may wish to review the APA Template Paper (Links to an external site.) for help formatting your essay according to the requirements. If you need assistance with your writing style or you need writing tips or tutorials, visit the CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.). Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.
References :
Elder, L., & Paul, R. (2012). Critical thinking: Competency standards essential to the cultivation of intellectual skills, Part 4. Journal of Developmental Education, 35(3), 30-31.