
You must submit 2-3 pages and attend class in order to receive full credit for this assignment.

Make sure that you are annotating your classmates’ work using the toolbar at the top.

In addition, please answer the following questions about your classmates’ papers. The responses should be emailed to your classmate and submitted in the “Peer Review 1” assignment.

  1. Are the author’s research question and working thesis statement present? Are both manageable/effective? Explain your answer.
  2. Is the topic/focus of the paper clear and direct?
  3. Does the author’s current arguments/body paragraphs work or seek to further answer the research question? Explain your answer.
  4. Is the paper organized effectively? How can the author improve on the organization of the paper?
  5. Does each body paragraph have a clear focus or argument? Explain your answer.
  6. Does each body paragraph have at least two citations? Are there at least two sources present in each body paragraph? If not, please note where the issues lie.
  7. Does the author introduce all quotations with signal phrases, and then go on to explain how the citation works to answer the question?

  1. Research Paper
    ENGL 102
    WORKSHOP DAYS: on Canvas
    DUE DATE: on Canvas
    Much of your time this semester will be used to complete a research paper of a specific topic of your
    choosing under the overarching theme: “how to better humanity”.
    This topic should be inspired by a “problem” that you, and others, have noticed in our world. It is
    a good idea to think in terms of your own field of study, but feel free to think outside of that, as well.If you
    would like to do something else, and can articulate why you should be able to do so, then I will absolutely
    consider your proposal.
    It is most effective to shape your paper around a question (think about the scientific articles that we have
    read—what questions might have shaped those papers? what did the author “want to know?”) and, when
    completing research, to look for an “answer.”
    This will be accomplished through heavy research, field work, and drafting. By the end of the semester
    you will have a polished, professional paper that will clearly demonstrate your thesis, research, and conclusion
    on the topic of your choosing. The reading you will be doing will center almost entirely around your individual
    research topic—be sure to take advantage of this fact by completing thorough, well organized research
    throughout the semester (particularly during the early stages). This will be documented/demonstrated within
    your Research Proposal.
    When composing your research topic, please consider the following questions:
    1) What is it about your major that drew you in?
    2) What interests/hobbies do you have that can tie in, somehow, to an idea within your
    major—car repair, robotics clubs, volunteer work, etc?
    3) What are some social issues that you feel particularly strong about/have worked to
    Your paper will be between 10-12 pages in length, written in 12-point Times New Roman font, double
    spaced with 1” margins, and cited according to MLA Standards.
    You must include an abstract, which includes your Research Questions and thesis statement and a brief
    summary of your work.
    Each body paragraph must have at least two citations from two different sources.
    You should be introducing all quotations with signal phrases.
    Your paper must have a strong conclusion that offers needed insight.
    There are other components that go along with this paper that will contribute to the 75% of your grade.
    Participation in workshop is critical to the quality of your work and my perception of your effort and dedication
    to the project.
    The breakdown is as follows:
    Research Question: 10%
    Research Proposal: 10%
    Annotated Bibliography: 10%
    Progress Report: 5%
    Research Poster: 10%
    Final Paper: 30%