
  • Format: 2-3 pages, double-spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman
  • Follow the general grading rubric
    • Cite sources, use Works Cited List (for citation tools, see the RSOC 51 LibGuide “Citation ToolsLinks to an external site.“)
    • Please use the particular local religion’s website (if they have one) for background information as well as 1-2 background sources, see below.

Selecting a Religion

You can use the internet to search for religious organizations. You may also ask friends or acquaintances if they are involved in a particular religious group or organization, which you could research. If you will be attending in-person, it is a good idea to contact the group or organization before you attend a meeting. You will need to explain the purpose of your interest (i.e., school research project) and make sure that you have permission to attend for research purposes. Choose a local religious house of worship, church, temple, synagogue, gurdwara, mosque, etc. that is easy to walk, drive, or use public transit to reach.

You will also be able to supplement your in-person visit using virtual ethnography, i.e., using what we can observe online like webpages, social media, streamed services, and the like (although, not all religious groups have an online presence).

Students are not to choose a religious tradition in which they were raised or with which they currently identify without discussing it with the instructor first.

Address the following in your proposal:

  • What group are you interested in learning more about? Name the group and describe who they are and what they do.
  • Where are they located? (Provide an address.)
  • Why are you interested in learning more about this group?
  • Use the internet or go to the library and find out some background information on this group/organization.
    • Broadly speaking, how might you categorize the group: Catholic or Protestant Christian, Islamic, Buddhist, Hindu, a new religious movement, spiritualist, etc.
    • Is there any information about the history of this group? How long have they been around?
    • What are some of their core beliefs that differentiate them from other religions?
    • What are some of their key rituals or religious ceremonies/events that help define the religious community?
    • Is there a website for the religious group or organization? What does it say about their mission or their community?
    • Make sure to cite your sources of information.
  • Write down two expectations regarding what you might find out about the group upon making your observations. In other words, what do you think they will be like in terms of demographics, worship style, beliefs, attitudes, community, rituals, etc.