
Establishment Clause
Free Exercise Clause
Engel v. Vital
Engel v. Vital
Wisconsin v. Yoder
Wisconsin v. Yoder
Jefferson's High Wall.jpg
The Establishment Clause -Separation of Church and State Thomas Jefferson’s High Wall Theory

QuickWrite Question:

  1. Understand the Supreme Court’s interpretation of the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause.
  2. Outline the Constitutional Question and Supreme Court response in Engel v. VitalLinks to an external site. and Wisconsin v. YoderLinks to an external site..
  3. How did the Supreme Court Balance the Interests of the State’s Police Power v. the rights of citizens using the Compelling Interest TestLinks to an external site. in Yoder?
  4. How was the Establishment Clause applied in Engel v. VitalLinks to an external site..

Examine how these cases outline the Foundations of the Freedom of Religion.