
1.“Using Light to Study Planets”. Summarize how this article relates to this chapter in your own words in 10 – 15 sentences without copying the text from the article. This question is worth 3 points.…

2.Name and briefly describe Kirchhoff’s laws of spectra.




3.Describe two ways in which an atom can become excited.



4.An object at a temperature of 775 K. At what wavelength (in nm) does this object radiate the most energy? ____________

5.A certain star has a peak wavelength in the red end of the visible spectrum, at 645 nm. What is the temperature (in K) of this star?________________

6.Fill in the blank with red or blue: Cool stars tend to be ______ in color, and hot stars tend to be ___________ in color.

7.You can change the charge of an atom by adding or removing the number of _______.

8.Wien’s law quantitatively expresses the relation between a blackbody’s __________ and ____________.

9.Why is the Kelvin temperature scale useful in astronomy? __________________________________________________________________

10.A beta Paschen decay involves an electron jumping from the ______________ to the ________________ energy level.

11.The Stefan Boltzmann law mathematically relates the _________ of a blackbody to the ________.

12.The three different types of atomic spectra are:




13.If a star is moving away from you, explain what happens to the wave length of the light emitted by the star and what kind of Doppler shift do you observe? ___________________________________________________________ .

14.“Bullseye! How DART hit an asteroid 7 million miles away”. Watch this video in “Current events” under “Content” tab.Summarize the events in 10 – 15 sentences

-Click the following link to watch the video:

Answer the following questions while watching the video:
1.__________________________ is the foundation of information age and modern world.

2.Electromagnetic waves transmit ___________

3.Adding energy results in ____________ (decrease or increase) in frequency and _________ (increase or decrease) in wavelength.

4.List 4 examples of waves around you.





5.Visible spectrum of light is reflected is from _______ nm to _____ nm

6.Everything around us emits, reflect, absorbs electromagnetic radiation based on its _______________

7.Radio waves are the ____________ (shortest or longest) waves that contain _________ (most or least) energy.

8.___________ discovered radio waves.

9.Name three astronomical discoveries made with radio waves.

a) ____________________

b) ____________________

c) ____________________

10.Microwaves range in wavelength from ____ cm to ___ mm

11.Discovery of __________________________ radiation supported evidence of big-bang theory.

12.List 3 common applications of microwaves in daily use.

a) ____________________

b) ____________________

c) ____________________

13.Name 2 gadgets that use infrared waves. __________________, _____________

14.Longwave infrared radiation reflected off the earth was mostly absorbed by ________________

15.All electromagnetic radiation is ___________

16.Stellar objects that are hotter, appear to be ____________ (blue or red) in color while, cooler objects appear to be ____________ (red or blue) in color.

17.Hubble telescope detects ____________ light.

18.Ultraviolet-B waves are mostly absorbed by ____________.

19.List 3 cosmic sources of X rays. _____________, ______________, _____________.

20.Most energetic of all electromagnetic waves is _____________ .

21.What is the most surprising thing you learned from this video?

22. Write two to three paragraphs describing the material you learned from this semester and how you can relate to this video.