
I need to do Paraphrase for these 5 questions and I already give you three answers for each question

Answer (1)

1. How does the writer attempt to establish common ground? Do you think she is successful?

The writer attempts to establish common ground by asserting that despite cellphones being disruptive in class, they should be incorporated into lessons. She also says that the cellphones should be turned off when students are taking a test.

I do believe she was successful. She presents a stance and benefits for both sides effectively.

2. What evidence does the writer supply to support her position?

The writer presents valuable evidence in support of her position that cellphones should not be allowed in class. She argues that studies conducted show that cellphones are distractive when used in class. She also asserts that when cellphones are used in class, students’ ability to concentrate is affected negatively. She also avers that the use of cell phones encourages cheating. These are pieces of evidence she uses to support her claim.

3. Other than reinforcing the writer’s position, what else is the conclusion trying to achieve?

The writer tries to apply a common ground of the argument so as to achieve some compromises.

4. How does the concluding statement reinforce agreement and compromise?

Despite her stand, the writer agrees that it is in everyone’s interest that policies should be enacted for the success of education. The policies should consider both sides.

5. How would this essay be different if it were written as a traditional (as opposed to a Rogerian) argument?

There would be no common ground reached upon. The writer would have highlighted her points without putting into consideration the other sides’ argument. She would be interested in convincing the audience.

Answer (2)

1. She addresses both sides of the argument, she is considerate and empathizes with the other side, she shows that she has listened to what they have said, and is willing to do so. This gives her further merit to be listened to by the opposing side.

2. She provides statistics and facts about cell phone usage in class and also considers what the opposing side has to say before providing rebuttals, warrants, and qualifiers. She tries to address the topic from multiple angles.

3. The conclusion tries to persuade the other side to be willing to go along with it, through diplomacy rather than force.

4. She states how it is understandable for students to feel that way, but also states it is understandable why professors should be able to tell them to turn it off, appealing to the greater good of the institution.

5. It would be more argumentative, it would omit and censor much of the opposing argument’s point of view, and it would less logical, simply forcing biased evidence on someone without nearly the tact or rebuttal this provided.

Answer (3)

1. The writer attempts to establish common ground in the first few paragraphs. In the first paragraph, she states that, “Both students and instructors know that cell phone use- including texting- during class can be disruptive”. She also states that the primary goal of a school is to provide a respectful learning environment. I think that these are a great start to effectively presenting evidence that not allowing cell phones in the classroom is beneficial to everyone. It appeals to both sides, teachers and students, about the issue.

2. The writer has the position that cell phones should not be allowed in class. In paragraph three, she begins presenting her view. She says, “recent studies have shown how distracting cells phones can be during class… In addition, texting in class decreases students ability to focus, lowers test performance, and lessens students retention of class material”. She also quotes another study that found cellphone use to have a negative impact on the person using it as well as those around them. She also elaborates on how cell phones can encourage cheating and provide a false sense of security for students during an emergency.

3. The conclusion again attempts to find that common ground between the two sides. While she does reinforce her own position, she is still trying to show why not allowing cell phones in a classroom setting is more beneficial to everyone.

4. In the concluding statement, the author points out that “it is in everyones best interest” to ensure that cell phones do not prohibit the learning environment. To allow for everyone to be successful, rules must be put in place by the educators and then followed by the students.

5. A traditional argument would have taken the stance that not allowing cell phone use in the classroom is clearly the only solution. It would have promoted that over all other options, not offering any compromises or attempts at understanding the other side of the argument. Since a traditional argument is more about, “I am right and you are wrong” during an argument, it would have attacked the opposing view rather than finding common ground to create a solution.