
packback 1: Research Methods Discussion Board.…

reading: fundamentals of qualitative research: read pages 3-4,10,11,32-33,46-47,89-91

Assignment Learning Goals: Apply the concepts of research questions, variables, and quantitative and qualitative methods to a sociological topic.

Directions: Write your own research question on a sociological topic. In your response to your research question, answer these two questions:

  • (1) What is the most effective research method for answering your research questions and why? (pick from: surveys, correlational, interviews, or participant observation).
  • (2) What would you expect to find using your chosen research method?

Make sure to write a well-structured post (introduce your thesis and substantiate it with concepts from the Research Methods Module). You’ll click on the red “Ask a New Question” button to create your own post, and then click on the “Add Response” button to respond to a classmate, and remember that two Responses are required for full credit for the assignment. You can improve your posts by substantiating your writing with images, references, short quotes, and links to videos.

Below is a list of example research questions and you should write a unique question

  • Does wealth affect health?
  • Why does wealth affect health?
  • Do citizens or non-citizens have higher rates of violent crime?
  • How do religious beliefs affect attitudes towards abortion?
  • Does racial housing segregation affect fatal police shootings of unarmed citizens?
  • What explains people’s racial preferences on dating apps?

Grading Criteria:

In order to receive full credit, you should submit the following per each deadline period:

One (1) open-ended Question with a minimum Curiosity Score of 70, worth 33% of each assignment grade

Packback2 :Culture and Subculture Discussion Board…

Assignment Learning Goals: Apply the concepts of public transcripts, hidden transcripts, infrapolitics, and subcultures of resistance to an artistic work, and analyze the work using the same concepts.

Directions: Provide an example of art that makes a hidden transcript visible to the wider public. They can include: songs, paintings/murals/graffiti, performances, film, poems or literature, any other artistic works. Is your example an instance of infrapolitics, subcultures of resistance, or both? Why?

Packback3: Work and Economy Discussion Board…

no collar reading :pages1-3,15-20

Assignment Learning Goals: Use the concepts of proficians, humane workplace, and democratic workplace to apply, analyze, and/or evaluate a place, an organization, or social or political event, perspective, or condition.

Directions: Consider the concepts of proficians, humane workplace, and democratic workplace. Create a question and answer using at least two of the concepts and provide specific examples in your argumentation.

Make sure to write a well-structured post (introduce your thesis and substantiate it with concepts from the Research Methods Module). You’ll click on the red “Ask a New Question” button to create your own post, and then click on the “Add Response” button to respond to a classmate, and remember that two Responses are required for full credit for the assignment. You can improve your posts by substantiating your writing with images, references, short quotes, and links to videos.

Below is a list of example questions and you should write a unique question

In what ways is a democratic workplace more just or fair for employees than a humane workplace?

What are some hidden costs of a humane workplace for proficians and why?

Why do major companies create humane workplaces and not democratic workplaces?

Why are democratic workplaces so appealing to proficians?

Why is Google’s office in New York an example of a humane workplace for proficians.

Packback 4:Immigration Discussion Board……

Reading: Banished to the Homeland: Dominican Deportees and Their Stories of Exile (Required Pages: 19-20, 22-23 + Suggested pages: 4-6)

Assignment Learning Goals: Use the concepts of assimilation, transnationalism, and social bulimia to apply, analyze, and/or evaluate a place, a community(s), intergroup relations, or social or political event, perspective, or condition.

Directions: Consider the concepts of assimilation, transnationalism, and social bulimia. Create a question and answer using at least two of the theories, and provide specific examples in your argumentation.

Make sure to write a well-structured post (introduce your thesis and substantiate it with concepts from the Research Methods Module). You’ll click on the red “Ask a New Question” button to create your own post, and then click on the “Add Response” button to respond to a classmate, and remember that two Responses are required for full credit for the assignment. You can improve your posts by substantiating your writing with images, references, short quotes, and links to videos.

Below is a list of example questions and you should write a unique question

  • Does the Dominican immigrant community in the Bronx experience more assimilation or more social bulimia?
  • Considering Tucker Carlson’s perspectives on immigration and demographic changeLinks to an external site., what could Carlson learn from assimilation and social bulimia theories?
  • In what ways does the theory of social bulimia address the shortcomings of assimilation theory?
  • How might social bulimia, especially experiences of deportation and anti-immigrant rhetoric, contribute to transnationalism?
  • How might transnationalism among Brazilians in Newark slow or even prevent their assimilation? `
    • Assignment Learning Goals: Use the two concepts of behavioral determinants of health and social determinants of health to apply or analyze a social or political event, perspective, or condition.Directions: Write your own question and answer using the two concepts of behavioral determinants of health and social determinants of health.Make sure to write a well-structured post (introduce your thesis and substantiate it with concepts from the Research Methods Module). You’ll click on the red “Ask a New Question” button to create your own post, and then click on the “Add Response” button to respond to a classmate, and remember that two Responses are required for full credit for the assignment. You can improve your posts by substantiating your writing with images, references, short quotes, and links to videos.Below is a list of example questions and you should write a unique question
      • In what ways are risks of heart disease shaped by behavioral determinants of health and social determinants of health?
      • How do social determinants of health shape the behavioral determinants of health in Newark?
      • What is an example of a program or organization that improves the behavioral and social determinants of health in Newark and how does the program reach its goals?
      • What best explains racial disparities in diabetes, behavioral determinants of health or social determinants of health?