Wall Street Journal Written Article Analysis (WSJ)
Please select an article from the WSJ, during the current year, that is related to concepts or topics of ethical practices in business / management. Only the WSJ may be used.
A template and guidelines for this analysis will be found in the Week 1 WSJ Assignment line. Only this format is to be used for submission.
Grammar counts
Delta Bets on Flying Taxi Rides to and From Airports
The airline is making a $60 million investment in Joby Aviation and plans to offer service in New York and Los Angeles. The investment would give Delta a 2% stake in Joby.
Airlines Say They Are Green, but Industry Fights Rules
The U.N.’s climate effort has been watered down, saving airlines billions.
In 1991, James Smith fell 30 feet from a waterfall and broke his back. He was employed by a small business and had no medical insurance. His lifetime friend Benny Mills, was with him when the fall occurred. Benny took James to the emergency room. Moved by his friend’s severe injuries and pain and suffering and realizing that James did not have insurance, Benny switched IDs with James in the hospital room. James required surgery to fuse his back to avoid what doctors said would have been certain paralysis. The cost of the surgery and hospitalization was over $200,000. Neither James, employed as a mechanic, nor Benny, employed as a painter, could have paid for the surgery and follow-up care. Benny’s employer’s insurance paid for the surgery because the hospital took the information from Benny’s ID found in James’ pocket.
While Benny was contemplating telling his employer, someone notified the insurance company of the switch. Benny, James, and Benny’s wife, Tammy were charged and convicted of mail fraud, wire fraud, and conspiracy. Tammy, because of the Mills three young daughters, is serving her sentence through home confinement. Benny is serving 9 months and James is serving 7 months. All three will serve three years on probation and pay restitution.
Benny states, “I know what I did was wrong. But I look back on it, and I feel that I had to do it at the time. I do not feel like I am a criminal in the sense of rapers, muggers, and murderers.” Benny said he did not understand that a hospital has an obligation to treat someone who is dying. Friends testified that as they were racing James to the hospital they told Benny that hospitals in the area had routinely refused to provide medical treatment.
Benny said he wanted to tell his employer, but he was afraid he would be fired and then be stuck with the bill. Tammy adds that the government is right to demand restitution, but wrong to imprison them.
James asked the judge if he could go to prison for all three of them. “I would be lost without my friendship with Benny. I would probably be dead.”
Answer the following questions with complete sentences and your work double spaced.
1. Benny and James committed an illegal act. Was it unethical? Why or why not.
2. What punishment do you think would be appropriate?
3. If you were Benny’s employer, what would you have done?