
Write a 7-8 page paper in APA format (not including the cover page and reference page) arguing for two or three principles aiding a start-up, existing business, or franchise in efficiently managing inventory or supply chains.

Goal. Your goal is to create an argumentative essay involving at least one publication from EOAJ, at least one publication from DOAJ, and at least one publication from OALib. Your argument should present, describe, and support two or three principles aiding a start-up, existing business, or franchise in efficiently managing inventory or supply chains.

Remember: the publications should be no older than six years old.

Remember to read the publications and extract essential information helping you build an argument. If you need techniques for reading articles, then check out because it offers sound advice for reading articles. If you need a way to organize your notes, consider using the Cornell method at or using an Excel spreadsheet to organize your notes.

Important Note. You may wish to use Modules 1, 2, 5, and 8, at, to help with planning and drafting your essay.


Supply chain management is a vital function needing special attention from entrepreneurs wanting to stay in business! Visit and search for supply chain management. From the results, choose a source you find interesting, review it, and then apply the CRAAP test to it! The CRAAP test, found at this link, will help you determine whether the source article is well suited for research and class assignment purposes. (You may learn about the CRAAP test at

Afterward, write at least 500 words:

  • An APA formatted reference
  • A one-paragraph summary of the source using the advice shared at
  • The results of the CRAAP test. What did it tell you about the article?

Remember to cite your sources!