
Map Journal Project

Database and Map Instructions

This course assignment is designed to assess your critical thinking, problem solving, and communication skills using geographic perspectives, concepts, and technologies. In doing so, you must successfully complete its 4 phases, which involve the:

  1. Map Journal Proposal 100 points which is the ( Flooding Along Missouri River)
  1. Map Journal Database/Map 100 points

Total400 points

Database Instructions

You are to collect and organize data that will enable you to create a location point map, which is an essential component of your map journal.All map journals must contain at least one map that is created by the student.

Step One:Locate data that is relevant to the topic for the purposes of mapping. Data is available from a variety of information sources, including but not limited to academic journal publications, books (of the fiction or non-fiction variety), online news stories, magazines, organizational websites (e.g., nonprofits, government, faith-based institutions, etc.), television programs, films, surveys, etc. Simply put, data is ubiquitous. However, do not randomly choose information sources. Use purpose to select relevant data for the project.

Step Two:Evaluate the information. Identify the data that is pertinent to your map journal.

Step Three:Open a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and create column headers that correspond to the data that your information source provides.

Step Four: Insertyour data into the columns.