Culminating Project Part VII: 1st Draft Research Prospectus
A Research Prospectus: A research prospectus is a brief description of each section of a research proposal. Your research canvas served as a foundation for your research prospectus and then research proposal. Latham (2014) described the key sections of a research prospectus as the “DNA” of the research design.
For the purpose of this assignment consider:
- Review each section of your research canvas by making sure that the various sections are aligned.
- If you made any changes in one section (e.g. the research problem), make sure that you make also changes in other sections.
- Submit your completed research prospectus for feedback.
Below is an outline of the research prospectus as proposed by Latham (2005). Use Microsoft Word’s Styles feature for the section headings and create the Table of Contents. Please make sure your research prospectus follows APA 6th style format: (a) all margins are 1’, (b) all type is 12-point serif (e.g., Times Roman), and (c) all pages are numbered, except the title page.
Upload your final Prospectus (paper). This paper has to be in APA format and 10 – 15 pages without considering the cover pages and/or references. Your prospectus should contain all 9 elements that have been briefly presented in your research canvas. It also should contain an introduction as well as a conclusion. You are expected to have at least 20 references that 16 are no older than two years old. Careful adherence to all aspects of APA 7.0 is mandatory. Make sure you take advantage of the resources available to you:
- Background of the Study
- Problem Statement
- Purpose Statement
- Theoretical/Conceptual Framework
- Significance of the Study
- Research Questions
- Brief Literature Review
- Level of Existing Knowledge
- Overall Research Approach
- Description of the potential final product
- Drawing Conclusions and highlighting limitations
- Expected Contribution to Knowledge and Practice
- Potential Outcome of the Project
Note: Most likely, there will be several changes in your Draft Research Prospectus, because you will be gaining new insights while completing your DBA. Once you make a change in one section of your PDF handout “Research Canvas”, include changes in other sections for internal consistency and congruence.
Additional Resources:
- View the video, “APA Format: Title Page, Running Head, and section” [9:19]