This Paper’s Topic
We are evaluating the specific dangers inherent in the law enforcer’s job.
This paper requires that you research the Uniform Crime Reports data relating (specifically) to Law Enforcement Officers Killed or Injured Annually in the line of duty (LEOKA).
Learning Goal
Analyze ethical decision making and leadership ability.
Identify the methods, theories, and concepts associated with the sources of crime data, the emerging patterns of criminal activity, and the costs of crime.
Open – Uniform Crime Report:
LEOKA Report Released
Uniform Crime Reports – LEOKA
Follow these steps:
Research the sites listed here – don’t rush there is a lot of information embedded in the data.
As you review it – look toward the “officers feloniously killed” tab and find the answers to the following questions:
List how many officers were killed in that year’s data.
In what state were the most officers killed?
What was the average age of the officers who died?
What was the average length of service for those who died?
How many female officers died?
What is the racial composition of the officers who died?
How many officers were ambushed at the time of their death?
Of the officers killed with weapons…how far away from the suspect were most of the officers when they were shot?
Lastly, describe your thoughts as you read these tragic numbers.
Your paper will have at least 9 short paragraphs (one for each topic listed above).
*See Grading Rubric (below)
Your writing should be well-organized and should communicate effectively without distractions from poor spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation. Writing is clear as opposed to being confusing and/or ambiguous.
Write with purpose. Your writing must address all parts of the question and demonstrate an understanding of assignment instructions.
The length of each of your papers in my class is important.
All papers must be at least 500 Words in length (minimum).
Your paper should be authentically yours. In other words, contents should not be copied and pasted from other sources. There will be times that you will use phrases that will appear as copied content because these phrases may be common and filter as ‘copied’ so I am making allowances for these types of situations.
Specifically, your papers must be at least 70% authentic content. Your content must not exceed a Canvas filtered limit of 30% (phrasing, language, or quotation that appears to be common and filter as ‘copied’). Papers that filter as having more than 30% (common or copied phrasing) will receive point deductions.