Project 3
For this set of projects for the course, we wish to simulate some of the aspects of a number of Sea Ports. Here are the classes and their instance variables we wish to define:
SeaPortProgram extends JFrame
o variables used by the GUI interfaceo world: World
Thing implement Comparable <Thing>o index: int
o name: String
o parent: int
World extends Thing
o ports: ArrayList <SeaPort>
o time: PortTime SeaPort extends Thing
o docks: ArrayList <Dock>
o que: ArrayList <Ship> // the list of ships waiting to dock
o ships: ArrayList <Ship> // a list of all the ships at this port
o persons: ArrayList <Person> // people with skills at this port
Dock extends Thingo ship: Ship
Ship extends Thing
o arrivalTime, dockTime: PortTime
o draft, length, weight, width: doubleo jobs: ArrayList <Job>
PassengerShip extends Ship
o numberOfOccupiedRooms: into numberOfPassengers: int
o numberOfRooms: int
CargoShip extends Ship
o cargoValue: double
o cargoVolume: double
o cargoWeight: double Person extends Thing
o skill: String
Job extends Thing – optional till Projects 3 and 4
o duration: double
o requirements: ArrayList <String>
// should be some of the skills of the persons PortTime
o time: int
Eventually, in Projects 3 and 4, you will be asked to show the progress of the jobs using JProgressBar’s.
Here’s a very quick overview of all projects:
- Read a data file, create the internal data structure, create a GUI to display the structure, and let the user search the structure.
- Sort the structure, use hash maps to create the structure more efficiently.
- Create a thread for each job, cannot run until a ship has a dock, create a GUI to show theprogress of each job.
- Simulate competing for resources (persons with particular skills) for each job.
Project 3 General Objectives
Project 3 – More JDK classes – GUI’s and threads
- Explore other GUI classes, such as JTree, JTable, and JProgressBar.
- Create and run threads
o Competing for one resource.Documentation Requirements:
You should start working on a documentation file before you do anything else with these projects, and fill in items as you go along. Leaving the documentation until the project is finished is not a good idea for any number of reasons.
The documentation should include the following (graded) elements:
- Cover page (including name, date, project, your class information)
- Design
o including a UML class diagram
o classes, variables and methods: what they mean and why they are thereo tied to the requirements of the project
User’s Guide
o how would a user start and run your project
o any special features
o effective screen shots are welcome, but don’t overdo this
Test Plan
o do this BEFORE you code anything
o what do you EXPECT the project to do
o justification for various data files, for example
Lessons Learned
o express yourself here
o a way to keep good memories of successes after hard work
Project 3 Specific Goals:
Implement threads and a GUI interface using advanced Java Swing classes.
- Required data structure specified in Project 1:
- World has SeaPort’s
- SeaPort has Dock’s, Ship’s, and Person’s
- Dock has a Ship
- Ship has Job’s
- PassengerShip
- CargoShip
- Person has a skill
- Job requires skills- NEW CLASS for this project!
- PortTime
- Extend Project 2 to use the Swing class JTree effectively to display the contents of the data file.
o (Optional) Implement a JTable to also show the contents of the data file. There are lots
of options here for extending your program. 3. Threads:
o Implement a thread for each job representing a task that ship requires.
o Use the synchronize directive to avoid race conditions and insure that a dock is
performing the jobs for only one ship at a time.
- the jobs of a ship in the queue should not be progressing
- when all the jobs for a ship are done, the ship should leave the dock, allowing aship from the que to dock
- once the ship is docked, the ships jobs should all progress
- in Project 4, the jobs will also require persons with appropriate skills.
o The thread for each job should be started as the job is read in from the data file.o Use delays to simulate the progress of each job.
o Use a JProgressBar for each job to display the progress of that job.
o Use JButton’s on the Job panel to allow the job to be suspended or cancelled.
- As before, the GUI elements should be distinct (as appropriate) from the other classes in the program.
- See the code at the end of this posting for some suggestions.
Suggestions for Project 3 Job class. Here is a sample of code for a Job class in another context, the Sorcerer’s Cave project. The code for this class will need some modifications, but this should give you an idea of the issues involved.
In fact, you should find much of this code redundant.
Also, some of the code at the following sites might give you some ideas about how to proceed with this project:
- Project 3 Example – Sorcerer’s Cave, note that even this one isn’t complete
- run method – detailed analysis of the run method in the Job class in the Cave project// j:<index>:<name>:<creature index>:<time>[:<required artifact type>:<number>]*class Job extends CaveElement implements Runnable {static Random rn = new Random ();
JPanel parent;
Creature worker = null;
int jobIndex;
long jobTime;
String jobName = “”;
JProgressBar pm = new JProgressBar (); boolean goFlag = true, noKillFlag = true; JButton jbGo = new JButton (“Stop”); JButton jbKill = new JButton (“Cancel”); Status status = Status.SUSPENDED;
public Job (HashMap <Integer, CaveElement> hmElements, JPanel cv, Scanner sc) {
parent = cv; (); // dump first field, j
jobIndex = sc.nextInt ();
jobName = ();
int target = sc.nextInt ();
worker = (Creature) (hmElements.get (target));
jobTime = sc.nextInt ();
pm = new JProgressBar ();
pm.setStringPainted (true);
parent.add (pm);
parent.add (new JLabel (, SwingConstants.CENTER)); parent.add (new JLabel (jobName , SwingConstants.CENTER));
parent.add (jbGo); parent.add (jbKill);
jbGo.addActionListener (new ActionListener () { public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) {
toggleGoFlag (); }
jbKill.addActionListener (new ActionListener () { public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) {
setKillFlag (); }
new Thread (this).start(); } // end constructor
// // //
JLabel jln = new JLabel (;
following shows how to align text relative to icon
jln.setHorizontalTextPosition (SwingConstants.CENTER);
- // jln.setHorizontalAlignment (SwingConstants.CENTER);
- // parent.jrun.add (jln);public void toggleGoFlag () {goFlag = !goFlag;
} // end method toggleRunFlagpublic void setKillFlag () {noKillFlag = false;jbKill.setBackground (; } // end setKillFlagvoid showStatus (Status st) {status = st; switch (status) {case RUNNING: jbGo.setBackground (; jbGo.setText (“Running”);
break;case SUSPENDED: jbGo.setBackground (Color.yellow); jbGo.setText (“Suspended”);
break;case WAITING:
jbGo.setBackground (; jbGo.setText (“Waiting turn”); break;case DONE:
jbGo.setBackground (; jbGo.setText (“Done”);
break;} // end switch on status } // end showStatuspublic void run () {long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); long startTime = time;
long stopTime = time + 1000 * jobTime; double duration = stopTime – time;
synchronized ( { // party since looking forward to P4 requirements
while (worker.busyFlag) {
showStatus (Status.WAITING);
try {;
catch (InterruptedException e) {
} // end try/catch block
} // end while waiting for worker to be free
worker.busyFlag = true;
} // end sychronized on worker
while (time < stopTime && noKillFlag) { try {
Thread.sleep (100);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {} if (goFlag) {
showStatus (Status.RUNNING);
time += 100;
pm.setValue ((int)(((time – startTime) / duration) * 100));
} else {
showStatus (Status.SUSPENDED);
} // end if stepping } // end runninig
pm.setValue (100); showStatus (Status.DONE);
} // end method run – implements runnable
public String toString () {
String sr = String.format (“j:%7d:%15s:%7d:%5d”, jobIndex, jobName, worker.index, jobTime);
return sr;
} //end method toString
} // end class Job
- Java source code files
- Data files used to test your program
- Configuration files used
- A well-written document including the following sections:
- Design: including a UML class diagram showing the type of the class relationships
- User’s Guide: description of how to set up and run your application
- Test Plan: sample input and expected results, and including test data and results, withscreen snapshots of some of your test cases
- Optionally, Comments: design strengths and limitations, and suggestions for futureimprovement and alternative approaches
- Lessons Learned
- Use one of the following formats: MS Word docx or PDF.
synchronized ( {
worker.busyFlag = false; ();
Your project is due by midnight, EST, on the day of the date posted in the class schedule. We do not recommend staying up all night working on your project – it is so very easy to really mess up a project at the last minute by working when one was overly tired.
Your instructor’s policy on late projects applies to this project.
Submitted projects that show evidence of plagiarism will be handled in accordance with UMUC Policy 150.25 — Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.
The documentation describing and reflecting on your design and approach should be written using Microsoft Word or PDF, and should be of reasonable length. The font size should be 12 point. The page margins should be one inch. The paragraphs should be double spaced. All figures, tables, equations, and references should be properly labeled and formatted using APA style.
Coding Hints:
Code format: (See Google Java Style guide for specifics (
o o o o o o o o
o Your program should have no warnings
o Use the following compiler flag to show all warnings:
javac -Xlint *.java
o More about setting up IDE’s to show warnings
o Generics – your code should use generic declarations appropriately, and to eliminate all
warnings Elegance:
o just the right amount of code
o effective use of existing classes in the JDK
o effective use of the class hierarchy, including features related to polymorphism.
GUI notes:
o GUI should resize nicely
o DO NOT use the GUI editor/generators in an IDE (integrated development environment, such as Netbeans and Eclipse)
o Do use JPanel, JFrame, JTextArea, JTextField, JButton, JLabel, JScrollPane
- panels on panels gives even more control of the display during resizing
- JTable and/or JTree for Projects 2, 3 and 4
header comment block, including the following information in each source code file: file name
appropriate comments within the code appropriate variable and function names correct indentation
code submitted should have no compilation or run-time errors Warnings:
Font using the following gives a nicer display for this program, setting for the JTextArea jta:
jta.setFont (new java.awt.Font (“Monospaced”, 0, 12));o GridLayout and BorderLayout – FlowLayout rarely resizes nicely
o ActionListener, ActionEvent – responding to JButton events
Starting with JDK 8, lambda expression make defining listeners MUCH simpler. See the example below, with jbr (read), jbd (display) and jbs (search) three different JButtons.
jcb is a JComboBox <String> and jtf is a JTextField.
jbr.addActionListener (e -> readFile());
jbd.addActionListener (e -> displayCave ());
jbs.addActionListener (e -> search ((String)(jcb.getSelectedItem()),
o JFileChooser – select data file at run time
o JSplitPane – optional, but gives user even more control over display panels