
Preparing Your Case Analysis

Review the case study, “[insert name of case].” After your review, prepare your answer to Question 1 of the Case Analysis Method (Appendix A of the syllabus.

1.What is/are the ethical issue(s) in the case?

•Identify the ethical issue(s) in a couple of sentences. This is short and concise.

•Which is the most urgent issue on which you will focus your analysis? Briefly, in your own words and in a couple of sentences, why is it an issue?

•What ethical models are relevant to the issue? For ethical models, consider those discussed in class, for example, utilitarianism, deontology, rights, justice, and virtue ethics.

  • (Question 1 is the first paragraph of your case analysis. It sets the stage for your analysis. (This section of the paper should be one half to one page.)