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** You need to submit both Journal and Turnitin***
Journal Entry. The Journal function in Interact2 must be used. External journal sites are not permitted. If your country geo-blocks the Interact2 website or your circumstance prevents you from accessing the Internet (eg. due to a disability or if you are in a correctional centre), please contact your lecturer immediately. If it is an office/organisation firewall preventing access, you must find an alternative Internet access point to complete this task.
Warning: Entering or editing data in this journal entry after 2359 hours on 23 August 2019 will result in deduction of marks (as specified in Penalties for Late Submission).
You will now write your full report section by section. It is advised that you write in the Interact2 journal itself rather than a word processor. This is to prevent errors in formatting or missed out sections when copying and pasting. Please do not submit an attached document (eg. DOCX, DOC, PDF, etc) to the journal entry. Refer to the marking criteria below for each section.
This report must be similar to the “preparation” done in Assignment 2. This is the fully written out report format. Provide a title for your report
Section Checklist: The title must be narrow and focussed. You might want to review this title after you have finished the entire report. The title should give the reader a good idea of what to expect in your report. |
Section Checklist: About 170-200 words. Clear introduction of topic. Correct use of third person writing. No references or quotes. |
Body of Report
Section Checklist: About 700-800 words. Statements made must be backed up by literature. Paraphrase or quote correctly to style. Do not write in dot (or numbered) points. Use third person writing. Arguments ‘for’ and ‘against’ to be included to give a balanced outlook of the topic Use of at least 3 journal papers plus other sources. Use one direct long quote [indented quote]. |
Recommendations to be made
Section Checklist: About 350-400 words. At least 3 recommendations from being informed by literature. Clear and concise. Do not introduce new topics/issues. Do not write in dot (or numbered) points. Correct use of third person writing. |
Section Checklist: About 170-200 words. Concluding the entire report only. No new material (or thoughts) to be introduced here. No quotes or references. Correct use of third person writing. |
Reference List
Section Checklist: Use of APA 6th edition only. Watch out for punctuation, indentation, capitals, etc in your reference list. Use the link in the Interact2 tab to check every entry. |
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This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:
- be able to practise, develop, refine and demonstrate written language skills so students are able to write clearly, correctly and concisely.