
Task: Utilizing the step-by-step instructions provided in this handout, How to Write a Revision PlaDownload How to Write a Revision Plan

compose and upload a Revision Plan for your final draft of Essay1_Topic_English101Download Essay1_Topic_English101 .

Your Revision Plan should be roughly 250 – 500 words.

Note: please remember that, in the end, your final revision of Essay #1 should be 4-6 pages in MLA format, so make sure your Revision Plan takes this fact into account.

How to Write a Revision Plan
How to Write a Revision Plan
For this course, your instructor will ask you to write a Revision Plan between the Intermediate
Draft and the Final Draft of each essay. A Revision Plan is simply a written explanation of a
writer’s plans to revise. Below you will find step-by-step guidelines that you can use when you
write your own Revision Plans. For this course, Revision Plans should be roughly 250 – 500

1. Explain / summarize the feedback you received on your Intermediate Draft
After writing your Intermediate Draft and submitting it, you will have received feedback from
your instructor and from one or more of your peers. In this first part of your Revision Plan, you
should summarize the overall feedback you received on your draft. What did your peer(s) and
your instructor think you were doing well? What did your peer(s) and your instructor think you
should revise? Was any of this feedback contradictory? If so, how?
2. Critique the feedback you have received.
As an author, it is your prerogative to decide what feedback you will use and what feedback you
will ignore. Some feedback is more helpful than others. In this section, you should critique the
feedback you’ve received from your peer(s) and from your instructor. What was helpful for you
as an author? Why was that feedback helpful? What wasn’t helpful for you as an author? Why
wasn’t that feedback helpful? What feedback will you use and what feedback will you ignore?
3. Develop and explain a specific plan you will follow as you work on your next draft.
This section is an opportunity for you to develop and explain the specific ways you will utilize
the feedback you have received from your peer(s) and from your instructor. Receiving feedback
is one thing; revising your draft in response to that feedback is quite another.
For example, if one of your peers said you need more evidence, in this section of the Revision
Plan you would explain HOW you plan to incorporate evidence more effectively: Will you add
more direct quotes? Will you change the way you’ve incorporated the quotes you already have?
Will you paraphrase your sources more, and thus add more in-text citations? Or will you do
something else entirely? In this section of your Revision Plan you should have at least two
specific and concrete revisions you plan on making in editing and revising your draft.

The comment. . MLA Format is not proper, as well as the works cited page. The title is very intriguing and makes the reader what to keep reading. Unnecessary use of bold writing.