Q) Much has been made of the new Web 2.0 phenomenon, including social networking sites and user-created mash-ups. How does Web 2.0 change security for the Internet? How do secure software development concepts support protecting applications?
Web 2.0 phenomenon
While in the phenomenon of Web 2.0 can helps us to connect with each other to perform the operations in the organization. In this, it is considered as the easiest to define since most of us who are interested in Web 2.0. In most of the cases, people are already can use websites like facebook, linked in or twitter. We already have social networks we participate in online and enterprise Web 2.0 has the same technologies behind the firewall. The Web 2.0 will helps us to deliver content that has been publishing our content on blogs, wikis and other social media tools. In order to receive the content Web, 2.0 can helps us it has debated whether RSS feeds are dead in this blog has not had any growth in the feed for a couple of years (Alexander, 2006).
Web 2.0 security for the Internet
In Web 2.0 collects information from many people or many sources and aggregates it all for you in one place. But whether it can be twitter feed or our daily updates when you log into facebook telling us what all our friends are up to. It will always help us organize content that the last is possibly the hardest to see but included in Web 2.0 technologies are things like tagging. Tagging can be considered as one of a technology that helps us create a dynamic catalog of user-based content and user-based structures (Constantinides, 2008).
So, it will constantly be changed has based on the dynamic flow of content and ideas through the web. However, Web 2.0 will change the web into more interactive between the web writers and the users. And this new tool allows everyone to contribute their part without the need for any technical knowledge and experience. At last, Web 2.0 has been also one of the good off-page that some tools strategy to build in-content links (Murugesan, 2007).
Alexander, B. (2006). Web 2.0: A new wave of innovation for teaching and learning?. Educause review, 41(2), 32.
Constantinides, E., & Fountain, S. J. (2008). Web 2.0: Conceptual foundations and marketing issues. Journal of direct, data and digital marketing practice, 9(3), 231-244.
Murugesan, S. (2007). Understanding Web 2.0. IT Professional Magazine, 9(4), 34.