This project assignment consists of two parts: finalizing the main content of your professional portfolio and completing your portfolio website.
Professional Portfolio
Finally, it’s time for you to complete your professional portfolio! Revise and complete your complete portfolio. In this part of the assignment, you will:
- Update your reflection paper to reflect any comments from the instructor in Week 1, or added insight derived through the five weeks of this course.
- Improve or extend on any of the five high-stakes assignments that you selected in Week 3, as needed, to reflect any comments from the instructor, or to firm up some specific aspects.
- Update your résumé and cover letter as needed, to reflect any comments received in Week 3.
- Update your elevator pitch to reflect any comments in the Week 5 discussion.
- Take the items listed below and put them in a single deliverable package as a zipped folder:
- Your elevator pitch that you created for the discussion assignment, possibly modified to reflect any comments received (in the package this will be a short text paragraph, in the portfolio website this will be the embedded audio file)
- Your generic cover letter
- Your résumé (adapted to remove personal information)
- Your portfolio materials comprising 5 highstakes assignments, possibly revised and improved. For each assignment in this part of the portfolio:
- 180-300 words summary, addressing the objectives it serves, why the piece is relevant, and the rationale for its relevance in demonstrating the skills required for your targeted job market .
- Assignment statement
- Your work addressing the assignment
- The URL of your LinkedIn account
- The URL of your completed portfolio website (see below)
- Your reflection paper after incorporation of pertinent comments and revisions per any added insights you acquired through the five weeks in this course
Portfolio Website
In this part of the assignment, you will complete your portfolio website as follows:
- Complete the main page containing:
- Your main distinguishable attributes
- Your elevator pitch embedded as an audio or video media
- Link to your LinkedIn account
- Links to detailed information
- Complete the additional pages containing:
- Your generic cover letter, reflecting any updates made in the first part
- Your résumé (adapted to remove personal information) reflecting any updates made in the first par
- Your portfolio materials possibly updated as above
Note: the reflection paper is not part of your professional portfolio website, but is required in the final Week 5 Project submission package
Don’t hesitate to contact your IT Capstone instructor for guidance
Submission Details
Take the items listed below and put them in a single deliverable package as a zipped folder
- Your elevator pitch: a 1-page Microsoft Word document named SU_ITS4103_W5_Project_Pitch_LastName_FirstInitial
- Your generic cover letter: a 1-page Microsoft Word document named SU_ITS4103_W5_Project_Cover_LastName_FirstInitial
- Your résumé (including URL of your LinkedIn account): a 1- to 2-page Microsoft Word document named SU_ITS4103_W5_Project_Resume_LastName_FirstInitial
- Your portfolio materials consisting of 5 high-stakes assignments where each assignment is a separate folder, containing
- a 180 words summary for the assignment
- the assignment statement
- your work: typically, this is a Microsoft Word document, but if your work for an assignment includes other files, such as Excel files, PowerPoint files, PDF files, or multimedia files, they should be included in a single folder per assignment
Package your assignments as a single folder named SU_ITS4103_W5_Project_Assignments_LastName_FirstIni tial
- URL of your completed portfolio website: a 1-page Microsoft Word file including the domain name to access your website named SU_ITS4103_W4_Website_LastName_FirstInitial
- Your reflection paper: a 3- to 5-page Microsoft Word document named SU_ITS4103_W5_Project_Reflection_LastName_FirstInitia
- Your reflection paper: a 3- to 5-page Microsoft Word document named SU_ITS4103_W5_Project_Reflection_LastName_FirstInitia l
Package your entire portfolio as a single zipped folder named SU_ITS4103_W5_Project_Portfolio_LastName_FirstInitial.
✨ I Just need the 2 reflection papers down below everything else I completed. They are about 5 pages each will add work for support.