
  • 1. What are some strategies you use to teach foundational reading skills (concepts of print, phonological awareness, phonics, and fluency) to ELLs?
  • What strategies do you use for vocabulary development and student practice?
  • What are some strategies you use to teach the elements of language (phonetics, phonology, morphology, lexicon, semantics, syntax, and pragmatics) to ELLs?
  • How do you use Response to Intervention (RTI) or Multitiered Systems of Support (MTSS) in ELL instruction?

and a reflection: Write a 250-500 word reflection summarizing your observations and discussion. Include a reflection of how you supported the language acquisition needs of the students you worked with. Address how what you have learned will affect your future professional practice. Include how you will support the student or group of students in additional field experiences.


  • How do you support and celebrate cultural diversity within instruction?
  • How do you leverage home language and cultural assets?
  • How do you show responsiveness to the different strengths, needs, and identities of all ELLs, including special needs?
  • How do you demonstrate understanding of the social, emotional, and cultural needs of students when establishing classroom routines and procedures?

reflection :Write a 250-500 word reflection summarizing your observations and discussion. Include a reflection of how you supported the language acquisition needs of the students you worked with. Address how what you have learned will affect your future professional practice. Specifically discuss how you will demonstrate cultural understanding and promote language development in your classroom.