Essay Assignment #1: Using Rhetorical Strategies and Devices (4-5 pages)
For the first essay, you will focus on using rhetorical elements and their implication in writing. You will answer the following question and develop the answer appropriately:
1. What are you passionate about?
Your explanation will take the form of an argument in which you work to convince your audience (in this case, other MDC composition students and instructors), through the criteria below, that you as a writer are either successful or unsuccessful in the use of rhetorical strategies (ethos, logos, pathos). You also need to convince your audience that you have a good understanding of the audience, language and manner in which you present your topic as well as the rhetorical terms and concepts necessary to deliver a convincing argument.
This assignment does not ask you to write about you in broad terms. Instead, you are writing about you passion(s), and by the nature of the assignment, for the audience to partake in your excitement of said passions. Your audience should “feel” your passion and understand your passion. You’ll need to ask yourself: Do I have a solid thesis statement that carries my ideas? Do I use enough evidence? Do I use certain appeals to connect with his audience? Are my appeals used appropriately to convey a message?
Your paper should:
- Briefly summarize your major arguments and present your position in a fair and reasonable manner. Practice objectivity.
- Identify your rhetorical situation: Who is your audience? What is the social context? What is the purpose of his argument?
- Firmly state your claim about the topic
- Determine how your language, voice and style work to persuade your audience.
Length/Format: Your rhetorical analysis should be between 4-5 pages in MLA format.
Criteria for Grading:
When I read your paper, I will look for:
- Sound argumentative structure including thesis, reasons, counter-arguments, and evidence– particularly a clear thesis that states the authors rhetorical strategies and takes a stand on whether these strategies are effective
- Good understanding of the rhetorical terms and concepts
- Clear organization including paragraph transitions, topic sentences and sentence structure
- Proper use of MLA structure and effective quotation, paraphrase, and summary of the primary text (if used)
- Evidence of critical and analytical thought with the use of quotes as supporting evidence
- Attention to your audience with effective diction and tone
- Correct spelling and grammar