Here are the comments from the professor:
Great job! Paper is good in terms of its content. It meets the requirements of applying economic theory and the syllabus learning outcomes. However, work is needed on supporting data or statistics. Also, I would like to see incorporate peer reviewed journal articles to lend credibility to your arguments. Work is also needed on your APA documentation.
Here is the grading rublic:
Focus – Application of Economic Theory
10 pts
makes great use applying economic theory to the topic (explaining the
economics in the issue), includes economically logical conclusions,
student excels at predicting future economic trends, events or
conclusions based on the reasoning used.
8 pts
makes good use applying economic theory to the topic (explaining the
economics in the issue), may include basic economically logical
5 pts
incorporates economic theory in explaining the topic (explaining the
economics in the issue.) Little more than stating the economic theory is
included. No use of economically logical conclusions.
3 pts
makes no application of economic theory to the topic. Is just
descriptive of the topic in nature. Provides no evidence student
connected economic theory to topic.
10 / 10 pts
Inclusion of Course Learning Outcomes
10 pts
makes great use of course material, readings, and supplements. Easily
maps to a number of learning outcomes in the syllabus.
8 pts
makes good use of course material and readings. Little outside
supplements are included. Maps to a number of learning outcomes in the
5 pts
makes basic use of course material. Typically no outside supplements or
research in included. Difficult to map to a number of learning outcomes
in the syllabus.
3 pts
makes no real constructive use of course material. One could consider
this an opinion paper with no real supporting material. Difficult to map
to a number of learning outcomes in the syllabus.
8 / 10 pts
Inclusion of Supporting Data
10 pts
Paper contains evidence of solid research effort drawing from many strong academic sources.
8 pts
Paper contains evidence of medium research effort in number and strength of resources.
5 pts
Paper contains evidence of minimal research effort or success drawing from few or weak sources (Wikipedia).
3 pts
Paper contains evidence of no real research effort including no real source of research.
8 / 10 pts
Use of Statistical Evidence
10 pts
Paper makes exemplary use of credible statistical evidence.
8 pts
Paper makes good use of credible statistical evidence.
5 pts
Statistical evidence is partial, weak or inappropriate.
0 pts
No statistical evidence is presented.
5 / 10 pts
Strength of Argumentation
10 pts
Thesis is well developed and supported, feeds conclusion. Contradictory views plausibly handled.
8 pts
is adequately developed and supported, only partially supports the
conclusion. Contradictory views not treated adequately.
5 pts
Thesis is not adequately developed and logically supported, conclusion not supported. Contradictory views not treated.
3 pts
Thesis is not developed or supported. Conclusion missing or not supported. Contradictory views not treated adequately.
10 / 10 pts
15 pts
are well documented in both the body and reference section in a
consistent form. Many more than the minimum number of sources.
12 pts
are inconsistently documented in body and reference section. References
are not ideally matched to content. Five sources and at least three
journals contained.
8 pts
are poorly documented in body and reference section. References not
appropriate to content or not current. Less than minimum requirements.
5 pts
no references documented. Inappropriate references. Fewer than five
sources or fewer than three journal articles. Reliance on nonquality web
12 / 15 pts
10 pts
Writing is grammatically correct, clear and flowing.
8 pts
Writing should be polished for stronger presentation.
5 pts
Writing needs work for clarity, organization and grammatical presentation.
2 pts
Clear indication that this is a draft with serious need for review and editing.
8 / 10 pts
5 pts
No spelling errors that distract the reader from the content.
4 pts
Less than 1% of word total have errors in spelling that distract the reader from content.
2 pts
Frequent (3-4%) spelling errors that distract the reader from content.
0 pts
Significantly more than 4% spelling errors that distract the reader from the content.
4 / 5 pts
Flow of Thesis and Arguments
10 pts
Organization is logical and easy to follow. Includes introductory overview and supportable conclusion.
8 pts
Organization is evident but could be strengthened.
5 pts
Organization is weak. Introduction and conclusion are not clearly delineated in body of work.
3 pts
Organization is almost nonexistent and represents just a free flow of ideas.
8 / 10 pts
APA Format
10 pts
APA style is employed perfectly.
8 pts
Few errors in APA style and most are inconsequential.
5 pts
Many features of APA style are ignored.
0 pts
APA style ignored completely.
8 / 10 pts
Total Points: 81
If you need anything else, let me know. Thanks!