Ask four strong discussion questions based on the given article.
Discussion questions must be typed, 12-point font, Times New Roman, double-spaced, and 1-inch margins
Discussion questions should contain an APA formatted in-text citation of the article/chapter that you are addressing
The questions themselves should not be requests for clarification (e.g., “What measure did they use?”, “What did the author mean by ‘self-regulation’?”) and, rather, should be thoughtful, reflective, and substantive inquiries (several sentences per question, one paragraph for each question). In forming discussion questions, you may want to consider implications of the findings, challenge the conclusions drawn by authors, or relate the readings to other topics.
Answer the questions you pose or give your thoughts on what you think the answer might be.
There is an example of one strong discussion question below
“Randles and Tracy (2013) find that experiencing shame leads to higher engagement in that shameful act (e.g., drinking). The authors assert that this may be because feeling shame makes people believe they are not capable of changing. If this is the case, what is a more effective way to decrease maladaptive behaviors? For example, if someone is a drug or alcohol addict, rather than shaming them, would kindness and support decrease their addictive behaviors? To me, it reasons that making them feel ashamed for drinking may decrease drinking behavior to an extent but making them feel too ashamed would probably lead to a decrease in their global self-esteem. Is there perhaps an effect of dosage—the amount of shame the participant experiences? Further how would these findings apply to different domains? For instance, when I perform badly on a test, it makes me feel ashamed, and I am motivated to study harder for the next one. Might it come down to individual differences in the person’s mindset (i.e., Entity vs Incremental)?”