
1. -Should the United States legalize the consumption of recreational marijuana and treat it similarly to the consumption of alcoholic beverages? What issues or problems may arise from that policy choice? Underage drinking is a serious issue for many reasons, including the potential for drunk driving accidents that may result in injury or even death. Who do you think should be held criminally responsible for underage drinking at events such as fraternity parties?

Make sure to provide two arguments that explain your positions supported by current data.

2. Is there a risk that the Supreme Court’s decision could limit the ability of rappers, songwriters, and poets to express themselves in stark terms? Is the risk of harm different, either greater or reduced, because any threat-like statements are announced to a broader audience than are traditional criminal threats sent to an individual?

Create a test that could be used to distinguish actual criminal threats from creative expression. Then, provide two examples of expressions that you believe show sufficient intent to justify a criminal conviction for making threats, and provide two examples that could be considered creative expression.

3. Many people envision police as criminal catchers and crime fighters, but in reality, the job is far more complex. List the key historical circumstances or developments that led to the definition of each era of policing. Then choose at least two service roles that are typical responsibilities of the modern police officer. Project into the future: What are some developments that could very well change policing and define one or more new eras in your lifetime?

4. The central issue involved in both of the MindTap exercises you have completed deal with accountability, and how police misconduct is viewed and handled by police departments and the communities they serve. Please address the following questions

Do you think that police use of excessive force is a problem in your state? Your country?

What evidence do you use to support this?

What are some newer approaches that police departments are taking to ensure their officers do not abuse their power and violate citizens’ rights?

Which of these do you think is the most effective, and why?

5. The Judicial Division and the Standing Committee on Judicial Independence completed the first online, fully searchable diversity database. The database, the only one of its kind, provides the current composition of minority judges on the state bench, both nationwide, by level of court and by method of judicial selection used by the states.

Review the database and the Diversity Action Plan, and then assume you are appointed to a special committee to create recommendations and guidelines to assist in ensuring that women and members of minority groups have equal opportunities to become judges. What would you propose and why? Present three recommendations.

6. In a jury trial, potential jurors are selected from a cross section of the local community. There is no requirement to have a certain education or background. The only requirement is to be a person of reasonable intelligence, who is not biased. For this discussion, respond to the following:

Do you think citizens drawn from the community are capable of setting aside their personal feelings and biases to judge an accused? Why or why not?

Are regular citizens able to understand complex concepts or emotional testimony? Why or why not?

Some other countries use “mixed tribunals” that include several judges and citizens deciding cases together. List two reasons why you think a mixed tribunal system in the United States would be favorable, or two reasons why you oppose mixed tribunals, and remember to support your choices.

7. The central issue in the “Chapter 15 You Decide Part I – Choose Your Path: A Tough Job” exercise you completed in MindTap revolves around the challenges involved with working in a prison setting. Identify the three models of incarceration that have predominated since the 1940s. What types of changes would you make if you were a prison administrator who wanted to attract and keep responsible and capable individuals as correctional officers in a modern prison today? Elaborate on at least two of these.

8. Millions of children are involved in the global sex trade every year. The sex trade is run by the demand, and it is profitable for traffickers and pimps, among others. After watching the video, please discuss your thoughts on adopting tougher laws toward the perpetrators, while decriminalizing the individuals committing prostitution. How can this be accomplished? What type of rehabilitation efforts would be helpful for the victims?