

I seek your support to build Research paper title: MS Active Directory Federation Service (ADFS) as detailed below.

Project description:

Active Directory Federation Service (ADFS) is a feature of Windows Server operating system (OS) that providing Federated Identity and Access Management framework that extends end users’ single sign-on (SSO) access to the applications and systems that belong to the users’ organization (Cloud-based & on premise based).

ADFS uses a claims-based Access Control Authorization model to provide security mechanisms across applications using the federated identity management. Claims-based authentication is a process in which a user is identified by a set of claims related to their identity. The claims are packaged into a secure token by the identity provider.

In this paper we will talk about the followings items below:

1-MS ADFS Federated framework history.

2-MS ADFS Properties

3-MS ADFS Limitation

4-MS ADFS Compatible systems

5-MS ADFS comparison.

6-MS ADFS risks and disadvantages

7-Alternative solutions of MS ADFS

  • Project Methodology: This research will be performed by using qualitative research methods. The research is going to be based on the study of data gathered from scientific literature. The scientific literature is used to research the theory on federated Identity management in general, and MS ADFS in depth.