
Choose a disease or condition that is currently in clinical trials using stem cells

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Research the disease and answer the following questions IN YOUR OWN WORDS using appropriate in-text citation and referencing. What systems are affected? How does it affect the body? How many people in the US and/or world are affected by this disease? – Briefly discuss the normal function of the healthy system(s) – what are the tissues, organs, cells involved and how do they work? What is the best treatment(s) for this disease that is being used now, a.k.a. the “Gold Standard.” The answer may be nothing. For some diseases, there may be combination treatments, like for breast cancer, that includes chemotherapy and tamoxifen (or other cancer drugs). What clinical trial(s) using stem cells exist now for your disease? Choose one to discuss the details of the trial and any results. Your paper should begin with an introductory paragraph and end with a concluding paragraph, be entirely IN YOUR OWN WORDS, and use appropriate in-text citation and referencing. (Again, think 5 paragraph essay). USE THE HINTS in the outline directions to help you with paragraph and essay structure.

I need 1 outline, 1 first draft and 1 final draft.

outline: You will set up an “outline” of bullet points or ideas that you will then elaborate on in your essay. You will be graded on your outline and on your peer reviews. See attached rubric. Use the rubric to “grade” the outline. Comment on any missing criteria found in the rubric by commenting within the rubric in the comment boxes for each criterion.

Start with your BODY paragraphs:

example for each body paragraph:

intro sentence – can be a phrase here or just the topic or idea of the paragraph

detail one – phrase or bullet point or idea

detail two -phrase or bullet point or idea

detail three – phrase or bullet point or idea

detail four -phrase or bullet point or idea

concluding sentence -can be a start or idea