
The purpose of this assignment is to encourage research and reading. Select two architectural critics from the list below. Find one article from each critic and write a brief, one paragraph, summary of each criticism. In an additional paragraph, compare/contrast and comment on the writing style and readability of the authors. Would you recommend them to a friend?

Please note the following:

  • Be sure to cite your source.
  • This assignment is to be “typed” (word-processed).
  • Hand-written submittals are not acceptable.
  • Remember the single page, 8 1/2″ x 11″ document format.

Choose two of the following architectural critics:

  • Peter Blake – THE NEW REPUBLIC
  • Robert Campbell – THE BOSTON GLOBE
  • Beth Dunlop – THE MIAMI HERALD
  • Herbert Muschamp (d. 2007) – THE NEW YORK TIMES
  • Joseph Giovannini – THE NEW YORK TIMES
  • Nicolai Ouroussoff – THE NEW YORK TIMES
  • Paul Goldberger – THE NEW YORKER (formerly)
  • Robin Pogrebin – THE NEW YORK TIMES
  • Christopher Hawthorne – THE LOS ANGELES TIMES
  • Witold Rybczynski – THE NEW YORK TIMES
  • Ada Louise Huxtable – THE NEW YORK TIMES
  • Michael Sorkin – THE VILLAGE VOICE
  • Jane Jacobs – THE NEW YORK TIMES
  • Sarah Williams Goldhagen – THE NEW REPUBLIC

This list is not all-inclusive. There are many more critics and publications. Should you wish to research a critic not on the list, please clear that critic with me beforehand.

A number of people have complained of the need to “subscribe” or “pay” for copies of online articles. In some cases that may be so, although I have found that:

  • Downloadable articles can often be acquired at no charge.
  • Some online subscriptions are free, especially to students.
  • Most of these newspapers and magazines are available for free through the USF Library system, or any public library.
  • Some of these newspapers and magazines are available for purchase at local newsstands, Barnes & Noble, Borders, etc