
  • Define the following terms in your own words:
  • Closed-ended question
  • Cognitive interview
  • Confidential (reliable informant)
  • Custodial arrest
  • Custodial interrogation
  • Direct question
  • Dying declaration
  • Field interview
  • In custody
  • Indirect question
  • Informant
  • Interrogation
  • Interview
  • Leading question
  • Miranda warning
  • Open-ended question
  • Polygraph
  • Answer the following question:
  • 1. Explain what the goal of interviewing and interrogation is.
  • 2. Describe the various techniques used in interrogation.
  • 3. Describe what the role of a polygraph is in an investigation and the acceptability of its results in court.

—————————- In a sperate word document-———————–

  • Define the following terms in your own words:
  • Anticipatory warrant
  • Curtilage
  • Eclusionary rule
  • Exigent circumstances
  • Frisk
  • Fruit-of-the-poisonius-tree doctrine
  • Good-faith doctrine
  • Inevitable-discovery doctrine
  • no-knock warrant
  • Plain-view evidence
  • Probable cause
  • Protective sweep
  • Reasonable
  • Search
  • Seizure
  • Terry Stop
  • Totality of the circumstances
  • Answer the following questions:
  • 1. Identify the conditions to justify a legal search
  • 2. Explain the importance of the following U.S. Supreme Court cases: Terry v. Arizona; Georgia v. Randolph; Mapp v. Ohio

——————————-In a separate word Document-—————————–

Using the information below from a PSI report, write a Sentencing Recommendation for Ms. Donna Pool as if you were her probation officer completing the Recommendation section for the courts. Discuss your sentencing recommendation and rational for sentencing.

On two different days this week submit your original post and replies. Reply to two or more of your peers, content must be related to the topic

Offender Information:

  • Donna Pool—age (39 years old)

Offense Information:

  • Theft-Clothes from Macy’s (total $550.00)
  • No prior record

Education and Employment

  • High school graduate, No college
  • Currently employed at Walmart as Sales Associate been there (3) years
  • Prior work experience Target 6 years- Sales Associate

Social History

  • Single
  • Two children ages ( 9-5)
  • Good relationship with parent whom often babysit
  • Member of the Diamond Dolls Motorcycle Club
  • Volunteer’s at children school

Medical & Mental Status

  • No mental health issues- No Medical Issues
  • No drug problems.
  • Has a negative attitude about the Criminal Justice System


  • Live- in boyfriend on parole for Armed Robber

  • ——————– in a seperate word doc———————
  • in 100 words or more answer:
  • Who has the authority to appoint members of the parole board, and why has the appointment system been subject to criticism?