
This Project builds on the last project.

Use the findings from your Relationship Analysis Paper, Non Profit Organization and Student Advocacy Groups Integration Plan Paper, and the U.S. Department of Education Family and Community Engagement Website to create a Comprehensive Community and Family Involvement Plan.

The final plan should:

  1. Identify and explain the many types of community involvement with the school. (Teachers, Students, Non-Profit Organizations, Community Volunteers, Parents, etc.)
  2. Identify and link a wide range of stakeholders included in the involvement activities. (Teachers, Students, Non-Profit Organizations, Community Volunteers, Parents, etc.)
  3. Include a wide range of public relations tools and describe how they will be used. (Social Media, News Paper, Radio Advertisements, Television Advertisement, etc.)
  4. Include a marketing plan for the Community Involvement Plan, describing how it will be marketed within the community and school.