Brandi- Pretrial services are one method of community-based corrections. Alarid (2019) informs the reader that during the pretrial interview, the defendant is not required to answer any questions about the pending crime, nor is the pretrial officer allowed to consider the weight of the evidence against the defendant. A practical method that can be employed to improve community-based corrections is requiring defendants to provide information to better help agencies determine whether they should be granted bail or not. A source reported that the new changes to pretrial release procedures appear to have led to a substantial increase in crimes committed by pretrial releasees. (Cassell & Fowles, 2020)
Another practical method that can help improve community-based corrections is, as it relates to probation officers, is increasing the training and educational standards for applicants to qualify. Adequate agents have been proven to produce relative improvement in those under their supervision. (Martinson, 1974) An evidence-based method that can aid in the improvement of community-based corrections is giving those on probation the ability to earn time off of their probation sentences is a substantial motivator for people on supervision. Research shows that incentives are more effective at encouraging compliance than the threat of sanctions. (Horowitz, 2022) Lastly, another practical method is to make counseling and other cognitive resources available to those under community supervision. To the extent that a lack of
self-control affects perceptions of legitimacy, cognitive-behavioral programs may also help offenders develop better impulse control. (DaGrossa, 2014)
Those under community-based supervision have the benefit of having one-on-one support to help them reintegrate into their communities after falling short. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12, “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” (2018)
Alarid, L. F. (2017). Community-based corrections (12th ed.). Cengage Learning.
Bible Society New Zealand. (2018). Nlt bible: New living translation.
Cassell, P. G., & Fowles, R. (2020). Does bail reform increase crime? an empirical assessment of the public safety implications of bail reform in Cook County, Illinois. SSRN Electronic Journal. to an external site.
DaGrossa, J. A. (2014). Improving Legitimacy in Community-Based Corrections. Federal Probation, 78(1).
Horowitz, J. (2022). Five Evidence-Based Policies Can Improve Community Supervision. PEW.
Martinson, R. (1974, Spring). What Works?-Questions and Answers About Prison Reform. The Public Interest, 35, 22.…
Ismith post-One practical method that can be employed to improve the community –based corrections is limiting the probation terms. Offenders spend many years in correctional facilities while being supervised. Some may spend even decades within these facilities. Findings from studies have portrayed that higher reoffending rates are experienced in the few months of the convicts being supervised (Alarid, 2019). A long term within correction facilities can worsen the convict’s situation by creating unnecessary financial resources and promoting resource wastage (Alarid, 2019).
The other method involves limiting incarceration before a violation hearing. Usually, people charged with violating their probation rules are highly likely to be held in prison. This may result in pending a hearing for particular days, weeks, or months. Also, overcrowding within correctional facilities can be reduced by promoting incarceration limitation.
Another method involves incorporating beneficial programs that ensure that the essential convict’s needs are well catered for (O’Sullivan et al., 2020). Through these programs, the offenders will be counseled and provided with therapy as per what they have been diagnosed with (Davies & Polaschek, 2019).
Also, adopting digital technology in prisons is helpful to ensure that activities and services run smoothly. The embracing of digital technology by correctional policymakers has made it easier for individuals within the parole to be tracked adequately (National Institute of Justice, 2021).
These methods are effective because they ensure that the key core values are deployed. The core values comprise accountability, diversity and respect, and equal justice (U.S Courts, 2022). Also, these methods reduce the offender’s chances of reoffending, promoting optimal outcomes. Furthermore, the methods equip the offenders with positive values, impacting their lives optimally. All these methods align with what the bible says in Isaiah 1:17. The verse state that it is important to do well and seek justice for the oppressed.
Alarid, L. (2019). Community-based Corrections (12th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage. ISBN: 9781337687362
Davies, S., & Polaschek, D. L. (2019). Recognizing the importance of effective practices in community correctional supervision. The Wiley International Handbook of Correctional Psychology, 706-724.
National Institute of Justice. (2021, March 17). Community corrections technology: Experts identify top needs for tech solutions to probation and parole system challenges. to an external site.
O’Sullivan, R., Hart, W., & Healy, D. (2020). Transformative rehabilitation: Exploring prisoners’ experiences of the Community Based Health and First Aid programme in Ireland. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 26(1), 63-81.
U.S Courts. (2022). Strategic Plan for the Federal Judiciary.,while%20preserving%20its%20core%20valuesLinks to an external site.
The New King James Version Bible.
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