
Learning Objectives and Outcomes

  • Analyze compliance policy requirements for the LAN-to-WAN and WAN Domains.
  • Evaluate devices and services for domain access controls and compliance requirements.

Assignment Requirements

You are a network administrator in charge of implementing security controls at XYZ, a large, publicly traded healthcare organization. Sean, your manager needs your help creating a list of best practices for achieving security compliance within the LAN-to-WAN and WAN Domains.

You will need to research generic best practices and then compile a list of best practices. Look for examples from organizations that are similar to your organization. Your organization has 2,000 employees across 25 sites in the region; all sites occasionally host business associates, contractors, and temporary workers who work on the premises. Each employee has a personal computer (PC) or laptop PC, and many employees have company-issued smartphones. The IT infrastructure includes servers at most of the sites, a central mainframe computer, and networking equipment (switches, routers, etc.). The sites are connected by WAN links.

Based on this organizational scenario, complete the following tasks:

  • Research examples of best practices for LAN-to-WAN and WAN Domain security compliance with HIPAA in mind.
  • Evaluate devices and services within the domains for access controls and compliance requirements, and describe those to be used in your organization.
  • Write a report addressing the tasks above. Include an introduction, summary sections for your findings and recommendations, and a conclusion section. You must cite your research properly,so that your manager may add or refine this report before submission to senior management.

Required Resources

  • Internet access

Submission Requirements

  • Format: Microsoft Word or compatible
  • Font: Arial, 12-point, double-spaced
  • Citation Style: Follow your school’s preferred style guide
  • Length: 1–2 pages

Self-Assessment Checklist

  • I considered LAN-to-WAN Domain and WAN Domain compliance as they relate to the health care industry.
  • I evaluated devices and services within the domains for access controls and compliance requirements.
  • I wrote a report that describes the devices and services, and explained best practices for compliance within the domains.
  • I justified my selection of compliance best practices.
  • I followed the submission requirements.