
**technician s says that drum brake shoe hold downs are used to reduce brake noise. Technician b says that non servo brake trailling shoes generally wear t a faster rate than leading shoes. Who is correct?

**which of the following statements is true of servicing disc breaks?

A. The copper washers used in the banjo bolt can usually reused because they dont corrode quickly.

B. Installing brake pads on the wrong side of the vehicle can prevent the wear sensor fromworking properly.

C. Steel pistoons should be cleaned with sandpaper to remove corrosion.

D. The dust boot should be removed before the piston.

**technician a says that the acess hole for the starwheel adjuster may be in the brake drum. Technician b says that a frozen adjuster can cause alow brake pedal. Who is correct?

**two technician are describing parking brake systems that mechanically actuate the rear disc brakes. Technician a says that the calipers are self adjusting. Technician b says the the singel piston construction of these calipers makes them easier to actuate. Who is correct?

**two technician are discussing disc brake serivce. Technician a says that some break pads have tapered edges to prevent vibration. Technician b says that pad wear indicators are required by law on all new vehicles. Who is correct ?

**technician a says that brake fade due to lining or water isn’t possible on disc brake. Technician b says that disc break desigm incorporates servo action. Who is correct ?

**technician a says that one should adjust the parking brake cable before adjusting the rear breaks. Technician b says the the parking brake cable should allow for about 15 clicks before the parking brake holds. Who is correct ?

**most vaccum powered brake boosters get their vaccum supply from the

A. Vaccim reservoir tank.

B. Vacuum pump.

C. Engine intake manifold.

D. Mastebcylinder or ABS modulator.

**manufactiers use specific lining materials that dampen vibration to quiet noisy disc break. Most calipers use——- to hold the pads in the caliper under tension to help prevent vibration.

A.harder brake lining

B. Stiff springes.

C. Anti rattle clips

D. Locking bolts

**on nonservo brake, the————- shoe does most of the braking d7rimg forward movment.

A. Primary

B. Leading.

C. Trailing.

D. Secondary.

** technician a says that drum brake shoe hold downs are used to reduce brake noise. Technician b says that non-servo brake trailling shoes generally wear at a fatser rate then leading shoes. Who is correct.