Goals: There are three main goals for this assignment: 1) to activate our listening—by attending to the sounds around us; 2) to get us thinking about what we are hearing and how we are hearing it, in relation to our exploration of different modes of listening; and 3) to try out the skills we learned during our 26 January sound basics class.
Giving credit: This assignment draws on the audiography assignment described by Jentery Sayers on the Sounding Out blog (
What is this? Students are asked to spend some time paying attention to their daily sonic environment. What sounds represent something about you and your daily life that you would like to share with others—on the teaching team and (with permission) the class? Students will record, edit, and submit a playlist of 5 of the representative sounds. They will also submit a short reflection piece about their process and the meanings of what they have submitted.
Key parameters: The playlist should consist of 5 sounds of 10-20 seconds each. They should be edited together into a single mp3 or mp4 file
All details are in files.