
Essay Instructions:

Select ONE of the primary source readings from those included below and write an essay on the selection. In writing this essay, integrate information from the textbook with the primary source reading. Write an introduction paragraph and present a thesis to the reader. Choose relevant and specific examples to support your arguments in an appropriate number of body paragraphs. Write a unified essay while answering each of the bulleted questions and organize the information by placing it in logical sequence. Come to a conclusion in a separate paragraph.

The use of any other sources beyond the one(s) assigned as well as the textbook in writing the essay is not expected. If other sources are used to gather information they must be documented and “historical” or written by a professional historian. If information (not just quotations) is used from a source and not documented, that is plagiarism, a form of cheating. See the section on documentation and Academic Honesty in the Syllabus. Also, if direct quotations are used from the sources assigned, textbook, or any other material they must be properly documented and a works cited page included.

Essays should be 700 to 900 words long, double-spaced with normal margins, in a 12 font, and your name and a title at the top. Indicate paragraph separation by indenting the first line rather than adding additional space. The essay should be in formal English, using proper spelling, grammar and punctuation. Late papers may be downgraded 10% for every day late. Again, 700 words is the minimum requirement. Failure to follow through on these guidelines will result in a less than desirable grade. Save the essay with your last name and Primary Source Essay 2 as the title.

Submit the essay by following the instructions associated with the link at the bottom of this page.

Assignment Selections:

1. Read the Res Gestae Divi Augusti at:

Also Read The Life of Augustus by Suetonius at:

Scroll through and read Sections 2, 28-36, 67-79 and 101.

Using these sources and the text, write an essay of 700 to 900 words answering the following questions:

  • Compare and contrast Spielvogel’s assessment of Augustus’ accomplishments with the one in Res Gestae Divi Augusti.
  • What do you think the historian Suetonius (69 CE -122 CE) thought of Augustus as a leader and as a man?
  • According to Suetonius was there a difference between the public Augustus and the private Augustus? How do you reconcile any disparity?
  • Evaluate Augustus as a Roman leader using specific factual information.